Women Return Home To Find A Ridiculously Cute Intruder On Their Couch

The adorable trespasser likely broke in through the doggie door.

Koalas need to chill out too!

Two women in Australia returned to their home on Tuesday to find one of the cute critters had taken over their couch.

Vicki Haines and her partner Michelle Goodman think the adorable intruder, who they’ve since nicknamed “Tuff Bugger,” entered their home in Port Stephens, New South Wales, via the doggie door.

Michelle was the first inside and she started yelling out ‘there’s a koala on the couch!’” Haines told the Australian Associated Press. “She was hiding behind a mountain bike wheel and our dog was going crazy.”

Its claws were just massive so I didn’t want to get too close,” Goodman explained to the Bendigo Advertiser. But Haines said they soon calmed down and described the marsupial sitting by a heater as “pretty cute.”

After snapping a series of photographs, which they later posted to Facebook, the couple called the Hunter Koala Preservation Society for help. Rescue coordinator Simone Aurino soon arrived to whisk away the male koala. He was microchipped and released safely back into the wild.

Despite the koala’s cuddly appearance, Aurino said the couple were right to be cautious. They’ve got quite long talons and any cornered animal will defend themselves, so they did the right thing by keeping their distance,” she told News.com.au.

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