Kids Caught in Middle of Catholic School Politics

Whatever you think about gay parenting, a school's political views should never be taken out on our kids.
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Word came down this week that a Boston Catholic school had rescinded its acceptance of an 8-year-old boy. It turns out the school didn't much care for his parents and administrators took it out on the child.

Schools are places of learning. They welcome children in, teach them not only writing, reading and 'rithmetic, but a sense of belonging. Catholic schools especially infuse education with Christian values of inclusion and service. Which is why excluding this child is so very wrong. The school was far more concerned about its own political agenda than doing the important work of shaping young minds and building future leaders.

Late yesterday, after some bad press, the Archdiocese of Boston was forced to clarify its position on accepting same-sex parents into school. "The Archdiocese does not prohibit children of same sex parents from attending Catholic schools. We will work in the coming weeks to develop a policy to eliminate any misunderstandings in the future."

Good for them. And good for the children whose same-sex parents want them to receive a great education rooted in Christian values. We hope the Archdiocese feels a sense of urgency to codify this new policy. Schools are and must remain welcoming and affirming places for children to learn. Politics should go by the wayside.

The core of what happened this week in Boston -- something similar happened in Boulder, Colo. earlier this year when school officials said two children could not re-enroll because of their parents' sexual orientation -- is about lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender parenting.

Thirty years of research and all respected child welfare advocates, including Child Welfare League of America, agree kids raised by gay and lesbian parents are just as healthy and productive as kids raised by straight parents.

But whatever you think about gay parenting, a school's political views should never be taken out on our kids.