LGBTQ Groups Call New Oklahoma Adoption Law Discriminatory

Multiple equal rights groups are already considering legal action.

A new “faith-based” adoption law signed by Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin on Friday is raising red flags for LGBTQ groups. 

Oklahoma Senate Bill 1140 allows agencies to deny adoptions and foster care placements if a given placement violates an agency’s “written religious or moral convictions or policies.”

Fallin says the law does not restrict LGBTQ couples from adopting. While that may be technically true, it would allow agencies to reject couples “in accordance with their beliefs” ― that is, because those couples are in the LGBTQ community.

“Rather than stand up to religious fanaticism, the governor has chosen to reinforce the delusions of those who confuse discrimination with liberty,” Oklahoma ACLU external affairs director Allie Shinn said. “This measure serves no legitimate policy purpose.”

Two state equal rights groups, Freedom Oklahoma and Oklahomans For Equality, said they are looking into or will take legal action.