Monday's Morning Email: A Look At The Polls

Trump's down, but not out.
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The Huffington Post
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LOOKING AT THE POLLS Donald Trump may be down, but he’s certainlynot out. And here’s how the Democrats plan to capitalize on his campaign’s uncertainty to potentially take back the House. [Natalie Jackson, HuffPost]

LAX EVACUATED SUNDAY NIGHT Reports of gunfire, which later turned out to be false, caused a panic at Los Angeles International Airport. [Nick Visser, HuffPost]

MYLAN TO RELEASE GENERIC EPIPEN OPTION It’ll be 50 percent cheaper at the cost of $300 a two-pack. [WSJ | Paywall]

NOT AGAIN Anthony Weiner has been reportedly sending lewd photos of himself to another woman, according to the New York Post, which obtained the pictures. [Jade Walker, HuffPost]

AT LEAST 54 DEAD IN SUICIDE BOMB ATTACK IN YEMEN The attacker drove a car bomb into a militia in Aden. [Reuters]

EIGHT UNANSWERED QUESTIONS ABOUT THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES For example ― will Trump be able to make it through all three without storming off midway through? [Jason Linkins and Lauren Weber, HuffPost]

‘THE COURT THAT RULES THE WORLD’ “A parallel legal universe, open only to corporations and largely invisible to everyone else, helps executives convicted of crimes escape punishment.” [BuzzFeed]

For more video news from The Huffington Post, check out this morning’s newsbrief


ALL YOU MISSED LAST NIGHT AT THE VMAS Beyonce and Rihannakilled their performances, everybody wore a lot of sheer things and your favorite Olympians showed up. And of course, some people wonsome things. [HuffPost]

TIPS TO KEEP I.T. FROM LOOKING AT ALL YOUR STUFF No one wants their Gchats read back. No one. [New York Magazine]

‘A FORTRESS AGAINST FEAR’ “’I’m not paranoid, I’m really not,’ said Bradway, 68, a cheerful Army veteran with a bushy handlebar mustache who favors Hawaiian shirts. ‘But we’re prepared. Anybody who knows us knows that Don and Jonna are prepared if and when it hits the fan.’” [WaPo]

YOU HAVE ONLY THREE DAYS To watch these gems before they leave Netflix. [HuffPost]

BUT DON’T WORRY The start of fall brings some quality movie material ― from Pixar fun to “Jaws.” [HuffPost]


THE LEARNING GAP IS SHRINKING “Kids on opposite ends of the wealth spectrum are now entering kindergarten with closer levels of achievement than in the past, new research finds.” [HuffPost

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~ Jill Stein invoked Harambe, proving this election truly is bonkers.

~ This Twitter bot that ends each Donald Trump tweet with a question mark is genius.

~ Meet the PTA parent who was framed for drug possession.

~ Turns out moving doesn’t solve your problems.

~ When start-ups worry about a crash.

~ The demise of the orange juice industry.

~ Inside the epidemic of “dead eyes” from the pellet guns used to quell riots in India.

~ Why Colin Kaepernick didn’t stand for the national anthem.

~ NIH researcher alleges gender bias.

~ The press doesn’t get to fly with either of these presidential candidates.

~ Make sure you register in your state before voting deadlines.


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