Oklahoma Woman Brags About Poaching On Bumble Dating App

Her match was a game warden.
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A woman in Oklahoma who boasted on Bumble about illegally harvesting a deer was caught after one of her matches turned out to be a state game warden.
Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation

A woman who swiped right on Bumble wound up getting stung when the match she bragged to about poaching a “bigo buck” turned out to be a game warden.

According to the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, McIntosh County game warden Cannon Harrison was using the dating app in December when was notified he matched a woman in his area.

After exchanging greetings, the woman, whom authorities declined to identify, revealed she had just shot a “bigo buck” and was “pretty happy about it,” according to copies of the messages.

“Hell yeah,” Harrison replied. “Get em with a bow?”

“We don’t need to talk about that,” the woman replied.

When Harrison jokingly asked if she bagged the deer with a spotlight, she replied, “yeahhhh.”

The woman admitted to illegally harvesting a deer — at night and outside rifle season — and revealed where she shot it and shared a photo of herself posing with the dead animal.

“It definitely was a shock,” Harrison told Tulsa World. “First you think, ‘This isn’t real.’ You think, ‘Maybe she knows who I am and is teasing me,’ but we did some digging on who she was and where she lived.”

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A Facebook post by the Oklahoma Game Wardens about the case has amassed more than 500 comments and 1,500 shares.

Turns out, the woman ended up meeting her match, albeit not in the manner in which she likely intended.

Harrison and his colleagues discovered she not only illegally shot the deer but also harvested only the head and backstrap meat, which is also illegal in Oklahoma.

The woman and an unidentified accomplice were ultimately fined $2,400 for improper possession of an illegally taken animal and taking game out of season, authorities said. The game commission did not pursue charges related to the spotlighting of the deer or the waste of the meat.

“You can’t just ignore a broken law that falls right in your lap, but [it] was kind of a bummer,” Harrison told Tulsa World. “She said it was her first deer ever, too.”

The game commission on Sunday shared photos and screenshots from the case on Facebook. The post has amassed more than 500 comments and 1,500 shares. 

The majority of commenters found humor in how the case developed, with one person joking, “I’m pretty sure a court date wasn’t the type of date she was looking for,” and another saying, “Bet he finds his future wife after all of this attention!”

If anything, the story should serve as a reminder that you truly never know who you are talking to online.

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