Palin Refuses To Commit To Running For Re-Election In Alaska

Palin Refuses To Commit To Running For Re-Election In Alaska
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Gov. Sarah Palin refused to commit to running not just for the 2012 Republican presidential candidacy but also for reelection as governor of Alaska, during an interview on Friday.

In a sit down with CNN's Wolf Blitzer, the Alaska Republican said she had made no decision on her political future, whether in-state or nationally.

"I'm not definitely going to do anything yet," she said. "What I'm trying to get done for Alaska right now is to get that Alaska gas line built. We need those energy sources flowing through North America. That's what my focus is."

Palin's hesitancy in declaring her 2012 plans is expected. But her declining to commit to running for reelection could spark additional speculation that she is clearing her calendar with eyes on higher office. Several weeks ago, Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty said he would not seek a third term in office, leading to suggestions that he would seek the Republican Party's nod in 2012.

Blitzer also pressed Palin on a variety of other political topics, including her early perception of the job being done by President Obama.

"I think he's growing government way too quickly, and he's digging that hole of debt for our country that we're going to pass on to our children and our grandchildren, expecting them to pay off debt for us," she said. "It's a selfish thing that we're doing right now if we think that is OK."

According to CNN's own write up of the interview, Palin rapped late night comedian David Letterman, once again, for making sexually suggestive jokes about both her and her daughter.

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin said Friday it was a "weak, convenient excuse" for talk show host David Lettermen to claim his controversial joke made earlier this week targeted Palin's older daughter, and not 14-year-old Willow.

"My 14-year-old was there with me at the game. She was the only one there with me," Palin said Friday in an interview with CNN's Wolf Blitzer.

Letterman joked Tuesday that Palin's "daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez" at a recent Yankees game. He admitted the following night that the joke was in "poor taste," but he insisted the line was in reference to 18-year-old Bristol, who gave birth to a boy in December.

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