Jeffrey Alan Marks: The Meaning of Home

Sometimes I like to stack books on a table for visual effect. Sometimes I like to have one book strategically placed on a side table where I can easily reach for it and sink into a corner of my sofa and dive into the pages. "The Meaning of Home" always welcomes me back to indulge my interior designer needs.
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Sometimes I like to stack books on a table for visual effect. Sometimes I like to have one book strategically placed on a side table where I can easily reach for it and sink into a corner of my sofa and dive into the pages. "The Meaning of Home" always welcomes me back to indulge my interior designer needs.

Jeffrey Alan Marks' first book showcases his residential interior design work in five chapters with titles that tempt you to slow down and savor each photograph room - "Breezy", "Tailored", "Steady", "Brave" and "At Ease". I know why I connected immediately with Marks' approach to interior design - because he designs with the intention of people actually living and enjoying the rooms and the décor.

Maybe I'm seeking validation for what is my interior design approach? I'll confess to moments of hushed exclamations like, "See! He would do that too!" But more importantly is watching a talented designer be a detective and find the clues that lead him to extract the hidden potential in a room, whether through the architecture or furnishings. This is my creative challenge time and time again.

I'd be remiss if I didn't confess to a shared interest in a love of the California aesthetic. Marks has eclipsed so many peers in his ability to blend the casualness of west coast design with the formality of east coast design.

I think I need to settle into my sofa with "The Meaning of Home" and just live these designed rooms all over again.

Jeffrey Alan Marks: The Meaning of Home

By Jeffrey Alan Marks
Principal Photography by Douglas Friedman
Foreword by Suzanne Goin
Published by: Rizzoli New York
ISBN: 978-0-8478-4102-8
September 2013
$45.00 US
224 pages
300 color photographs

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