13 Vloggers Who Perfected The Art Of Coming Out On YouTube

Because social media is definitely here to stay.
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 Coming out. We all know what that phrase means. We don’t wonder if someone is “coming out of the bathroom” or if a debutante is “coming out to society” at a ball. “Coming out” is indicative of revealing one’s gay or bisexual sexual orientation to family, friends, the world, and most importantly, to oneself. However, in the past ten years, a new trend with coming out has occurred. People are now coming out on YouTube and they’ve turned “coming out” into an art.

 Coming out on YouTube has involved vloggers sharing a personal vlog of themselves coming out to their viewers. Others have recorded themselves coming out to their parents. With YouTube stars coming out on YouTube, it has provided others with the courage and inspiration to come out to their families and friends, on or off the internet. Furthermore, it provides parents with positive and negative examples of how other parents have reacted to their children coming out.

“Is [coming out on YouTube] creepy or manipulative? Maybe, but I think the impulse of these kids is to leverage better behavior from their parents. If the parents react badly, there are witnesses and social consequences for their reaction. In this situation, I think being strategic is smart and necessary, ” said Dan Savage, gay activist and journalist.

“A positive benefit of this, is that these parents who have reacted so well are modeling for other parents whose kids have not yet come out to them how you do it. If you want to react beautifully and look like a good guy online – this is how.”

Coming out on YouTube is an interesting trend and it shows just how courageous people can be. Furthermore, it allows the world to gather as a community and say, “We accept you.” With that being said, let’s look at some of our all-time favorite vloggers that came out on YouTube and some of the creative ways in which they did it.


Hannah Hart is a YouTube star that gained her fame through a series on her YouTube channel, “My Drunk Kitchen,” where she cooked while intoxicated. However, in addition to her main YouTube channel, MyHarto, she has another YouTube channel, YourHarto where she vlogs about her life. On YourHarto Hannah shares with viewers a seven-part“Coming Out” series. In this series Hannah Hart tells her coming out story, as well as discusses topics like coming out of the closet, marriage, being attracted to straight people, feeling nervous around girls she likes, and feeling sexy.

We love this series because it not only discusses “coming out” but different aspects of coming out such as what happens before and after coming out like a first crush, dating, and marriage. Hannah gives viewers an all-around perspective, making this a perfect coming out series for anyone. 

Some YouTubers don’t just come out to their viewers, they film themselves coming out to their parents and Dan did just that on his YouTube channel Mallow 610.

Dan hid a camera in his kitchen. When his mother returns home, she can tell that something is going on because of Dan’s apparent nervousness. After two minutes, he finally tells his mother that he’s gay. His mother has the best reaction: she tells Dan that she is proud of him and gives him a hug.

We know why Dan was so nervous, but his mom’s reaction was so amazing! She says that she had some inkling about his sexuality and Googled how to speak to her son about being gay and watched (what she calls “boring”) coming out YouTube videos.

“I need you to be who you are,” says Dan’s mom. “I want you to be happy in life and I want you to not be afraid of who you are.” What a mom!

Since 2008, Shane Dawson has been creating amazing YouTube videos on his channel Shane Dawson TV. For the most part, Shane has created and shared music video spoofs, comedy sketches, and hilarious vlogs on different aspects of pop culture. However, recently Shane came out of the closet on YouTube and shared with the world that he is bisexual.

He says, “I’m not completely gay. I can’t sit here and say that I am…But I also can’t sit here and say that I’m straight. And this is something that I have come to the conclusion through therapy and also just being honest with myself.

“I am bisexual. I have said it out loud once before…I have never really talked about it until now.”

“There’s a lot of coming out videos of people coming out who are gay or lesbian. And they’re so confident…I’m not that. I don’t know who I am 100 percent.”

Shane’s video is unique in that he is one of the few vloggers to come out as bisexual. He is also bringing attention to how bisexual persons feel—torn between not being gay and not being straight but something in-between. Even more amazing, is that he says he doesn’t know who he is 100%, proving that realizing who you are and accepting your sexuality is a process. For those looking for a strong and raw video of absolute truth, check out Dawson’s coming out video.

Ingrid Nilsen, known as Missglamorazzi, is a YouTube personality who discusses makeup, fashion, and lifestyle. She was even the first YouTube personality to represent CoverGirl. And recently, Ingrid came out to her fans on YouTube as gay.

As soon as she announces she’s gay, a huge smile crosses her face, she starts crying, and says, “It feels so good to say.” We can see the heavy burden on her shoulders disappearing.

Her reasoning behind coming out on YouTube is simple: “I deserve a full life…It is time to give myself my best chance.”

The video is moving and you just can’t help but tear up a little when she starts crying! Furthermore, there are important reasons that we love that Ingrid shared with the world that she’s gay. First, not many girls have come out on YouTube and we love that it could be someone with such a huge following like Ingrid, someone who can be influential to many women and girls. Secondly, many have commented that by Ingrid coming out, it has helped to break down lesbian stereotypes and shown the world that there are women and girls who are “femme” and lesbian. Whatever the case is, this coming out vlog is amazing and it will be inspiring to so many girls.

For years, military servicemen and women couldn’t be open about their sexuality under “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.” Even after its repeal, it has been difficult for those in the military to be open due to discrimination found in the ranks. However, we hope that things are changing especially with the help of one marine, Russ, who came out on his YouTube channel, Russ Marine, to his mom over the phone.

In addition to that initial coming out video, Russ shares a few other videos related to coming out. There’s one where he interviews his mom about him coming out and another where he discusses the negative reaction that he received from his dad when he came out to him. He also gives coming out tips and talks about coming out in the military.

We love Russ Marine and his coming out videos because not only will it help youth on coming out to their parents and gives them tips on how to deal with both negative and positive reactions, but he also could help other military members to come out and change the military culture to be more accepting of the LGBT community.

Joey Graceffa is a YouTube personality that has been vlogging for seven years. He has been creating vlogs about his life and commentary on the world and pop culture, as well as creating short films. However, it wasn’t until this year that Joey came out to his audiences and he did so in a very creative way: a music video.

The music video features Joey in a fairy tale world, battling his own demons and rescuing his prince which he kisses at the end. A few days after posting the music video, he posted a vlog where he does confirm that he is gay.

When asked why he waited to come out, Joey said, “I wanted to make sure that I was in a mindset that I felt confident in who I was. And I wasn’t going to come out and not able to be this role model for some people out there going through the same thing that I was going through.”

For those looking for a creative way to figure out how to come out, Joey’s music video is perfect: “I decided it was important for me to do it in a different way. To do it in my Joey-creative way of doing a music video.” Better yet, Joey’s music video illustrates that a fairy tale love story is possible for anyone.

Connor Franta became known on YouTube through Our2ndLife but branched out and started his own YouTube channel. His vlogs include videos about his personal life and what he’s involved in, challenges, and Q&As. In 2014, Connor came out as gay on his YouTube channel.

Even though Connor says that coming out in a vlog was the hardest thing he has ever done, it’s so difficult to tell. His confidence radiates through his speech and he doesn’t seem to stumble the entire time, because he has finally come to know himself and is happy.

Our favorite aspect of this coming out vlog is when he says: “I’m not going to let my sexuality define or confine me. It’s part of me, it’s not all of me.”

Two of the best coming out videos come from two different sets of twins. First there’s the Monastero Twins, Adam and Luke. The Monastero Twins set up a hidden camera in their kitchen and then told their parents that they were gay. Their parents thought that Luke was gay but didn’t have any idea that their son Adam was gay. The video ends with their parents being absolutely accepting and telling their sons that this is their life to live and they shouldn’t worry about what anyone thinks. 

 Then there’s the Rhodes Bros. Their coming out video involved telling their dad that they were gay over a phone call. The video went viral. It is a truly emotional video that displayed the courage of these two boys and the love that their father has for his sons.

We love these videos because it shows positive examples of how parents of LGBT youth should react when their children come out.

If you want to see a super cool and creative coming out video, check out Ryan Waechter’s! With the “Draw My Life” challenge, Ryan decided to share his coming out story with a white board, dry-erase markers, and his artistic and storytelling skills. Even though he isn’t a Picasso, seeing his coming out story on a white board with quick and crude drawings while he narrates the story is really effective. His coming out story is funny, sad, happy, and ultimately inspiring. We are able to live his coming out story through his drawings and storytelling rather than being told his coming out story which makes for a more entertaining experience. If you are looking for something beyond the “Coming Out YouTube vlog” check this one out by Ryan Waecther now!

Back in 2008, Lucas created a character called “Fred,” a 6-year-old with anger management issues. The character of Fred took off and Lucas has been creating fun, silly videos ever since. However back in 2013, Lucas was doing a Q&A with his best friend Jenny, when Jenny read a question that had been asked by many of Lucas’ fans (the question pops on screen multiple times by different fans): “Are you gay?”

And Lucas responds enthusiastically, “I’m gay!”

“My family and friends have known for, like, three years, I just haven’t felt the need to announce it on the internet.”

Even though coming out on the internet may seem like a serious thing, as many of the other coming out YouTube videos have shown, Lucas and Jenny are laughing and joking after he comes out. To Lucas (and to Jenny), it’s not a big deal that he is gay. (Because of course it isn’t!) From there, they continue the Q&A session with jokes and laughs which is why we love this video!

Lucas shows that coming out on YouTube isn’t his defining moment. It’s just another aspect of his life. He is a vlogger who just happens to be gay, just like all of the other vloggers we’ve featured in this article.

If we can learn anything from the coming out trend on YouTube, it’s that, yes, coming out is a difficult thing. However, it isn’t a limit in one’s life. These vloggers are extremely successful, but not because of their sexual identity, but by their tenacity to live happy, fulfilling lives as themselves.

Coming out may be the trend on YouTube right now but The Next Family and other LGBT YouTube Personality Parents hope that these YouTube stars and their gay, lesbian, and bisexual audiences can learn something more important from YouTube. Ebony, YouTube star and mom of OliviaHas2Moms, recently had an interview with The Next Family’s editor, Brandy Black at Vidcon. In the interview, Ebony made a good point about the coming out trend: it won’t be the trend for long. A new YouTube trend is on the rise.

“There’s a trend right now only about coming out. Granted, truly valid. Definitely, we need videos and education about coming out. However, when you come out, life begins even more. And you need to know about what happens after the fact. Families are possible, parenting is possible. Jobs, careers, education. All of that needs to be encompassed in a representation of LGBT.”

Alex Temblador is a staff writer for The Next Family, a site for modern parents.

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28 Bisexual Celebrities
Megan Fox(01 of28)
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In a 2011 Esquire interview, Megan Fox confirmed her bisexuality, stating, "I think people are born bisexual and then make subconscious choices based on the pressures of society. I have no question in my mind about being bisexual. But I'm also a hypocrite: I would never date a girl who was bisexual, because that means they also sleep with men, and men are so dirty that I'd never want to sleep with a girl who had slept with a man."

Billie Joe Armstrong(02 of28)
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The Green Day front man opened up about his sexuality in a 1995 interview with The Advocate: "I think I've always been bisexual. I mean, it's something that I've always been interested in. I think everybody kind of fantasizes about the same sex. I think people are born bisexual, and it's just that our parents and society kind of veer us off into this feeling of 'Oh, I can't.' They say it's taboo. It's ingrained in our heads that it's bad, when it's not bad at all. It's a very beautiful thing."

Margaret Cho(03 of28)
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Comedian Margaret Cho has long been open about her sexuality. In August 2013, Cho discussed the semantics surrounding her open marriage to artist Al Ridenour, saying that she's "technically not able to stay with one person sexually because I’m bisexual,” and joking that she just “can’t stop up that hole.” She also identifies as queer, and opened up about her sexuality in an interview with HuffPost Gay Voices Editor-At-Large Michelangelo Signorile.

Clive Davis(04 of28)
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Twice-married record executive and music mogul Clive Davis came out as bisexual in his 2013 memoir, The Soundtrack Of My Life. Davis opened up about two long-term relationships he had with men after his divorce from his second wife.

Anna Paquin(05 of28)
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Anna Paquin is adamantly open about her bisexuality. The actress told "Zooey" magazine in a 2009 interview, "For me, it’s not really an issue because I’m someone who believes being bisexual is actually a thing. It’s not made up. It’s not a lack of decision." (credit:Getty)
Megan Mullally(06 of28)
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After telling The Advocate in 1999 that she was bisexual, Mullally clarified her statements in an interview with Queerty, telling the blog: "I said that I thought that everybody is innately bisexual. I think there are different levels of awareness attached to that, so I may believe that everybody is innately bisexual, but somebody who is very homophobic may not see that quality in themselves in any way, shape or form. That’s on a very philosophical or even metaphysical level, you know what I mean? It’s not something that I think people are ready for yet. I think if you ask the average guy on the street if he was innately bisexual, he’d be like, ‘What the fuck are you talking about?’ and then he’d punch you in the face. So, we’re not quite there." (credit:AP)
Azealia Banks(07 of28)
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The rapper has been openly bisexual since the early days of her career: "I mean, I'm bisexual, so it makes sense. But I don't want to be that girl who says all gays necessarily hang out together, of course! I have people say to me, 'Oh wow, my friend is gay, too,' and I'm like, 'Yeah, so?'" (credit:Getty)
Andy Dick(08 of28)
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Many people mistakenly assume that Andy Dick identifies as gay. However, he told The Washington Post in a 2006 interview that, "just because I've been with guys, and I'm bi, doesn't mean I'm gay." (credit:AP)
Bai Ling(09 of28)
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Actress Bai Ling is openly bisexual -- and the identity category has often provided some humorous mix-ups involving her first name. According to GLAAD, she discussed it in-depth in a 2009 interview with Entertainment Weekly: "[A]t first when I was in the United States I didn't always have an interpreter in interviews and I didn't speak English so well. There was some confusion. My name is pronounced 'bi,' so when I was asked, 'Are you bi?' I said, 'Yes, I am Bai.' Do you like men? 'Of course!' Do you like women? 'Why yes!' And later I found out what that means and I said, 'Sure, I am bi!' But I think the interpreters and the reporters thought that I didn't know what I was saying because I was so open about it. They were uncomfortable about it. Such a thing is not important for me."

Carrie Brownstein(10 of28)
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The "Portlandia" star and former guitarist and vocalist for Sleater-Kinney is often assumed to identify as gay. However, she told "Willamette Week" in 2012 that, "It’s weird, because no one’s actually ever asked me. People just always assume, like, you’re this or that. It’s like, ‘OK. I’m bisexual.’”

David Bowie(11 of28)
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Though David Bowie has historically played coy surrounding his sexuality, he clarified the subject in a 1976 interview with "Playboy." "It's true -- I am a bisexual. But I can't deny that I've used that fact very well. I suppose it's the best thing that ever happened to me." (credit:Getty)
Snooki(12 of28)
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The always-polarizing Snooki sat down with The Huffington Post in February 2012 and sought to clarify her sexual preference. "I would consider myself bi. I've done stuff with girls before. But I would never be with a girl because I like... penis. But I've experimented." (credit:AP)
Amber Heard(13 of28)
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Amber Heard has been openly bisexual for quite some time, and discussed this aspect of her identity in "Elle." The model and actress told reporters: "[I] didn't want to look like I was hiding anything." (credit:Getty)
Angelina Jolie(14 of28)
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Angelina Jolie has been open about her sexuality for quite some time, having had numerous encounters and relationships with women. She reportedly told OK Magazine that, "I have loved women in the past and slept with them. I think if you love and want to pleasure a woman, particularly if you are a woman yourself, then certainly you know how to do things a certain way." (credit:Getty)
Evan Rachel Wood(15 of28)
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Evan Rachel Wood came out on Twitter in 2012: “I myself am bisexual and have always ‘joked’ about Miley giving me gay vibes. Not a bad thing! Just an observation.” (credit:AP)
Sapphire(16 of28)
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The author of Push, the book that inspired the critically acclaimed film "Precious," describes herself as bisexual. (credit:Getty)
Drew Barrymore(17 of28)
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Drew Barrymore originally came out in an interview in Contact Magazine in 2003, saying, "Do I like women sexually? Yeah, I do. Totally. I have always considered myself bisexual... I love a woman's body. I think a woman and a woman together are beautiful, just as a man and a woman together are beautiful. Being with a woman is like exploring your own body, but through someone else." (credit:Getty)
Frenchie Davis(18 of28)
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This former "American Idol" and "The Voice" contestant came out in 2012, telling her fans that she had been in a relationship with a woman for the past year and had dated men and women. (credit:Getty)
Vanessa Carlton(19 of28)
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Musician Vanessa Carlton came out publicly at 2010's Nashville Pride, announcing to a crowd of 18,000 that, "I've never said this before, but I am a proud bisexual woman!" (credit:Getty)
Fergie(20 of28)
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The Black Eyed Peas front woman confirmed speculation surrounding her sexual identity in 2009 through an interview with The Advocate: "Q: After you discussed past sexual experiences with women in an interview with 'The Sun' in May, headlines everywhere read, 'Fergie Admits She’s Bisexual!' A: The funny thing is that I was very open and honest about that from the very beginning, and everyone was acting like it was some new trend. Go back four or five years, people, and you’ll see the same answer." (credit:Getty)
Pete Townshend(21 of28)
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In his book, Who I Am: A Memoir by Pete Townshend, this musician confirmed that he is "probably bisexual" and cited his attraction to Mick Jagger, calling him "the only man I've ever seriously wanted to fuck." (credit:AP)
Tila Tequila(22 of28)
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Tila Tequila is not one to shy away from anything. The former Myspace celebrity did several reality shows centered around identifying as bisexual, beginning with "A Shot At Love With Tila Tequila." She was also the girlfriend of Casey Johnson, the Johnson & Johnson heiress, who passed away in 2010. (credit:Getty)
Amber Rose(23 of28)
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Amber Rose has long been perceived to be openly bisexual without actually addressing the way she identifies. In an interview with Complex magazine, the model sought to clarify the rumors: "They label me a bisexual freak stripper that fucks Kanye on a daily basis. To answer that: I’m extremely open with my sexuality. I can be in love with a woman, I can be in love with a man. I’m not into bestiality, but as far as humans go, I definitely find beauty in everybody, whether they’re heavy-set, super-skinny, if they’re white, black, Indian, Asian, Spanish. I can see beauty in anybody. I’m not into threesomes or orgies and shit like that. If I see a women and I think she’s beautiful and I like her, and she likes me back we can definitely try to be in a relationship together." (credit:Getty)
Cynthia Nixon(24 of28)
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Currently married to wife Christine Marinoni, Nixon confirmed in a January 2012 interview with The Daily Beast that she is bisexual. The "Sex And The City" star stated, "I don’t pull out the 'bisexual' word because nobody likes the bisexuals. Everybody likes to dump on the bisexuals... We get no respect." (credit:Getty)
Jillian Michaels(25 of28)
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The first lady to ever come out in "Lady's Home Journal" as bisexual, "Biggest Loser" coach and personal trainer Jillian Michaels told the magazine in 2010: “Let’s just say I believe in healthy love. If I fall in love with a woman, that’s awesome. If I fall in love with a man, that’s awesome. As long as you fall in love… it’s like organic food. I only eat healthy food, and I only want healthy love!” (credit:Getty)
Kim Zolciak(26 of28)
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Former "Real Housewives Of Atlanta" star Kim Zolciak was in public relationships with both the mysterious "Big Poppa" and DJ Tracy Young before marrying Kroy Biermann. In a 2010 interview with Life & Style, interviewers posed the following question for the reality queen: "Q: Do you feel you're giving a voice to other bisexual parents? A: I'm among the millions of parents who have been in a gay or lesbian relationship. It hasn't been an easy road lately, but I feel there are no mistakes in my life. Everything happens for a reason. To have the opportunity to speak for myself and to have people understand what I'm going through is really special. I myself was confused and scared at first. Being able to speak from my heart and get this all out, it's a huge relief for me." (credit:Getty)
Lady Gaga(27 of28)
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Lady Gaga has been open for quite some time about her bisexuality, initially coming out in a 2010 interview with Barbara Walters. (credit:AP)
'Mama June' Shannon(28 of28)
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The star of "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo" revealed that she's bisexual in an "Inside Edition" interview in April 2015. Her daughter "Pumpkin" Lauryn Thompson also came out as bi at the same time.

(credit:Charles Norfleet via Getty Images)