Anthony Weiner To Wife Huma Abedin: Apologizes, No Plans To Split

Weiner Apologizes To Wife, Hopes Pair 'Can Continue To Heal'
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Amid jeers from hecklers, scandal-scarred Anthony Weiner announced his resignation at a press conference Thursday, just a little over a week after confessing that he had engaged in inappropriate "online relationships" with several women, and telling the press he would not be resigning from congress as a result.

Though Weiner's wife Huma Abedin--who is an aide to Hillary Clinton and is reportedly pregnant with the couple's first child--was seen heading into the pair's apartment in Queens Thursday, she was absent from the press conference in Brooklyn later that day.

Still, Weiner singled her out:

"I make this apology to my neighbors and my constituents, but I make it particularly to my wife Huma."

Then, he continued:

"Today I am announcing my resignation from congress so my colleagues can get back to work, my neighbors can choose a new representative, and most importantly, that my wife and I can continue to heal from the damage I have caused." The pair married less than a year ago, in July 2010.

When Weiner initially came clean about his actions in last Monday's press conference, he choked up when talking about his wife, telling the press corps that they intended to stay together ("We have been through a great deal together and we will weather this, he had said). Weiner was not nearly as emotional Thursday, and other than thanking his wife for standing by him during this "difficult period," he revealed no details about the pair's marriage or personal future plans. Also on Thursday, a source close to Weiner told Huffington Post that his marriage is his priority--"Everything he does [now] is to save his marriage," the person said.