Bestsellers: Girl vs. Woman, Demeaning Or Tired Of Talking About It? (POLL)

Bestsellers: Girl vs. Woman, Demeaning Or Tired Of Talking About It? (POLL)
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In the UK paper The Guardian, Deborah Orr reports that the top five bestsellers on the Times of London list all had "girl" in the title: Steig Larsson Millennium Trilogy ("Girl With..."), Jane Green's "Girl Friday" and Martina Cole's "Hard Girls." In each case, the main character was well over 21, and so Orr raises the question again of woman vs. girl: is one elevating and the other demeaning? Is one boring and the other dynamic? Are we still interested in having the conversation or is it time to move on after 30 years? Let us know what you think in the poll below.