Car Sticker Illustrates Stick Figure Family When The Divorce 'Isn't Quite Final Yet'

You Know Your Marriage's In Trouble When This Happens

As we've seen before, modifying your stick figure family decal to reflect your newly divorced status is now, oddly enough, a thing people do. One guy unceremoniously crossed out his wife when she left him, while this Hyundai driver made sure potential suitors knew she was single again by writing "position open" above her former hubby's figure -- charming trend, no?

As for the sticker below, it seems like the woman is still in the process of de-husband-ing her decal. "I'm guessing the divorce isn't quite final yet," wrote booyahgz, the Redditor who posted it Friday. Take a look:

Position almost open, we guess?

Click through the slideshow below for more weird bumper stickers, then head to the comments and tell us about the funniest bumper sticker you've ever seen on the road.

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