Donald Trump's Cryptic 'Calm Before The Storm' Comment Is Freaking Everyone Out

Is it about Iran? North Korea? The "pee tape?" Everyone has a guess.

During a photo op on Thursday evening, President Donald Trump alluded to this being the “calm before the storm.” When asked to elaborate, he said: “You’ll find out.” 

So what was he referring to? 

Nearly everyone has a guess. Some are serious. Some are attempts at humor. Others are downright terrifying: 

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Before You Go

Trump Surveys Hurricane Irma Damage
(01 of09)
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President Donald Trump flies aboard the Marine One helicopter ovver storm damage and flooding caused by Hurricane Irma near Fort Myers, Florida on Sept. 14, 2017. (credit:Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)
(02 of09)
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Flooding caused by Hurricane Irma is seen from a U.S. Marine helicopter accompanying President Donald Trump. (credit:Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)
(03 of09)
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Marine One was accompanied by a U.S. Marines tilt rotor "Osprey" helicopter while touring storm damage. (credit:Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)
(04 of09)
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President Donald Trump, left, and first lady Melania Trump are greeted by Florida Governor Rick Scott and his wife Ann as Lee County Sheriff Mike Scott applauds during a briefing on Hurricane Irma relief efforts in Fort Myers, Florida. (credit:Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)
(05 of09)
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Trump receives a briefing on Hurricane Irma relief efforts from FEMA Administrator Brock Long. (credit:Jonathan Ernst / Reuters)
(06 of09)
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Trump and Florida Governor Rick Scott and his wife Ann Scott tour a neighborhood affected by Hurricane Irma, in Naples, Florida. (credit:BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI via Getty Images)
(07 of09)
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People watch as Trump tours a neighborhood damaged by Hurricane Irma in Naples. (credit:BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI via Getty Images)
(08 of09)
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(credit:BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI via Getty Images)
(09 of09)
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Trump and Vice President Mike Pence help serve food to people affected by Hurricane Irma in Naples. (credit:BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI via Getty Images)