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I'll tell you what we want, what we really, really want. The dream team. Gore-Obama 2008. GOROBAMA!

Deep in our hearts, that's what we all want. Obama sounds so good. His speech on foreign policy yesterday hit so many good notes. But we're all a little worried about two things. Does he have enough experience to win? In other words, is he quite there yet? And does he have the courage to do what is right even if it might not be popular at the time?

We know Gore does. He spoke out against the Iraq War when it was wildly unpopular to do so. And not as a small state representative with not much to lose. He risked his reputation. Remember, this is a man who won the popular vote in 2000. More Americans wanted him to be president than George Bush. And at the time a lot of people thought he would run again. And he took an unpopular stand anyway -- because it was the right thing to do.

Gore did what McCain couldn't do. Put principles above his ambition. So much so, that he didn't even run in 2004. Remember this guy won already. No matter what you think of what happened electorally in 2000, more people wanted Gore as president. That is a gigantic fact that the press seems to be ignoring. Show the man a little respect, he was voted by more Americans to be President of the United States of America than George W. Bush, who you showed sycophantic adoration for five painful years.

Look at this powerful speech on the constitution Gore gave in the beginning of 2006. He was a voice in the wilderness speaking out against the outrages others pretended not to see. The voice of a leader we once could have had, and could still have today.

Combine that with Obama's voice and we have sweet, home Gorobama, where the skies are so blue. Gorobama, we're coming home to you.

We know Gore can do the job. And we know we want Obama. Imagine these two smart, visionary people leading the country back to where it belongs. Back to greatness. Do you believe in justice? Do you believe it's possible? Do you believe that we can make dreams come true? Do you believe we can make America great again?

You know these two can do it. I hope they run. I hope they win. I hope we get the America we love and cherish back. And if anyone can do that, it's Gorobama!