Michelle Tyler, Nurse Helping Injured Marine, Accuses Bob Filner Of Sexual Harassment

11th Woman Comes Forward With Sexual Harassment Claims Against Filner
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UNITED STATES - MARCH 29: House Veterans' Affairs Chairman Bob Filner, D-Calif., during the joint hearing with Senate Veterans' Affairs on the legislative agenda of veterans organizations. (Photo by Scott J. Ferrell/Congressional Quarterly/Getty Images)

An 11th woman has accused San Diego Mayor Bob Filner (D) of sexual harassment, the Los Angeles Times reported Tuesday.

Michelle Tyler, a nurse, said at a news conference that she met with Filner in June to ask if he would help U.S. Marine Katherine Ragazzino, who had been injured in Iraq. Ragazzino, who is cared for by Tyler, had an ongoing issue with the Department of Veteran Affairs that Tyler hoped Filner could resolve.

According to Tyler, Filner complimented her appearance and asked her to go on a date with him in exchange for helping Ragazzino.

“He made it very clear that his expectation was that his help for Katherine depended on my willingness to go to dinner with him, spend personal time with him and be seen in public with him,” Tyler said, according to Politico.

Tyler continued, "I felt that his rubbing my arm and telling me to relax … was extremely inappropriate and unacceptable."

Ragazzino also appeared at the press conference, along with Tyler's attorney, Gloria Allred.

"I don't appreciate being used as a bargaining chip to fulfill his sexual desires," Ragazzino said.

Amid lawsuits over his conduct and growing calls for his resignation, Filner is undergoing a two week stint of intensive therapy at a behavior counseling clinic. While he continues to deny the accusations of harassment, the mayor has admitted that he needs help in the way he treats women.

"I must become a better person ... I must demonstrate that my behavior has changed," Filner said prior to entering rehab.

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Before You Go

10 Dumbest Excuses for Political Sex Scandals
Mark Sanford(01 of11)
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Hiking the Appalachian Trail. Said a staffer: “I apologize for taking so long to send this update, and was waiting to see if a more definitive idea of what part of the Trail he was on before we did so.” (credit:Getty Images)
Kwame Kilpatrick(02 of11)
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“I cheated on my wife and I lied about it. The maturity I didn’t have was how to balance that job with family and spirituality… [I was] hard headed. I didn’t realize that until I was sitting in solitary confinement.”Kilpatrick exchanged an endless stream of text messages with city official Christine Beatty, who was also married at the time. Kilpatrick, then the Mayor of Detroit, covered up the affair, and after lying about it in court, plead guilty to two counts of obstruction of justice, resigned, and served four months in prison. (credit:Getty Images)
Larry Craig(03 of11)
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“(I have) a wide stance when going to the bathroom,” the Senator said, in response to his arrest for propositioning an undercover cop by tapping his foot in an airport bathroom.Craig was allowed to finish his term in the Senate but has rarely been heard from since. (credit:Reuters/Landov)
Barney Frank(04 of11)
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House of Representatives member, Democratic Congressman for nearly 30 years, and the first openly gay member of the House, Barney Frank, was pretty awesome… until he had an affair with Steve Gobie, a male prostitute, in 1989. While Frank was single at the time, he still paid for sex, which was illegal in his state of Massachusetts. But then Frank also hired the prostitute to run errands and live at his home… where Gobie kept on working as a prostitute. Nope, he’s not working here as a prostitute, he’s just my pool boy. (credit:Reuters/Landov)
Eliot Spitzer(05 of11)
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Wait, what’s this? Gremlins? “There are no excuses,” Spitzer told Matt Lauer. “I have tried to address these gremlins; confront them. What I did was an egregious violation of trust to my family, to my colleagues, to the state, and I’ve paid a price and appropriately so.” Well, at least he didn’t make excuses, right? (credit:Getty Images)
Bill Clinton(06 of11)
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“That depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is.” (credit:Reuters/Landov)
John Ensign(07 of11)
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“While I stand behind my firm belief that I have not violated any law, rule, or standard of conduct of the Senate, and I have fought to prove this publicly, I will not continue to subject my family, my constituents, or the Senate to any further rounds of investigation, depositions, drawn out proceedings, or especially public hearings. For my family and me, this continued personal cost is simply too great.”In other words, I am innocent but would rather look guilty than have the Feds look through my trash folder. (credit:Reuters/Landov)
David Vitter(08 of11)
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“Several years ago, I asked for and received forgiveness from God and my wife in confession and marriage counseling. Out of respect for my family, I will keep my discussion of the matter there with God and them.”I’m a public figure, but my possible involvement in illegal prostitution and diaper-wearing is none of your business because I invoke Jesus. (credit:Getty Images)
John Edwards(09 of11)
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“I have no idea what you’re asking about. I’ve responded, consistently, to these tabloid allegations by saying I don’t respond to these lies and you know that… and I stand by that.”That’s ex-Senator Edwards, telling the press that allegations he had fathered his mistress’ love child were hogwash. A few months later, he admitted he had fathered the love child while his wife was dying of cancer. (credit:MCT/Landov)
Anthony Weiner(10 of11)
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“Tivo shot. FB hacked. Is my blender gonna attack me next? #TheToasterIsVeryLoyal”Representative Weiner tried to convince us he had just Tweeted a picture of his crotch because a hacker had actually posted it, but at a press conference a few days later, he admitted to sending the photo, having online relationships with six women (not including his wife), and being a dumbass. (credit:Landov)
BONUS: Silvio Berlusconi(11 of11)
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“Better to have a passion for beautiful women than to be gay.”That’s the then-married then-Italian Prime Minister telling a friend that, hey, it was okay to host orgies at his villa that may have included hookers and teenage girls because… well, you read the dumb quote. (credit:Landov)