The Weird Apartment Complex Where Renters Get Charged More If They Gain Weight (VIDEO)

WATCH: Where Weight Gain Means Higher Rents

We've encountered some pretty weird rules when renting an apartment that would make us think twice about moving in, but "The Doctors" recently discussed the most bizarre one yet: an apartment complex in Osaka, Japan called The Lady Share House B&D adjusts the cost of rent based on tenants'... weight. For every 2.2 pounds they lose, $10 is deducted. And if they gain? The cost goes up.

The craziest part is, 53% of respondents to a poll said they'd also live in a place with these stipulations. Tell us, what are the weirdest house rules you've ever come across?

Looking to "break up" with a roommate?

How To Break Up With Your Roommate
Are You Sure It's Not Working?(01 of13)
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The first realization that needs to occur is do you really want to break up with your roommate? Breaking up is hard to do! Everything is difficult-- the explanation you have to give, finding a new place, dealing with someone's feelings, subletting or signing over your old place, and especially the actual moving out and moving in days. So make sure you're not making this decision on a whim and that you have enough financial stability to make such a change. If you're in the dorms, it is much easier to make the switch, but try to plan for friends to help you with the move. (credit:Alamy)
Start Making Plans, Man(02 of13)
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Financial pressures can keep you glued to a roommate you don't like, especially if you've leased your apartment. If you've signed a lease, talk to your landlord about the possibility of signing the lease over to a sublet. Don't be afraid to start making living plans with friends or searching for a new roommate before you let your roommate know it's over. (credit:Alamy)
No Passive Aggressive Notes! (03 of13)
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This conversation should be face-to-face."I hate confrontation" is a phrase uttered by so many college students, it should be printed on a Johnny Cupcakes t-shirt. Well, not all confrontations go down like Jersey Shore "come at me, bro" chest-puffing performances. Accepting that a discussion about moving out or getting a new roommate cannot be ignored, avoided or procrastinated upon is important. Don't wait until the last day of the semester to speak up - sooner is better. (credit:Alamy)
Be Considerate, Patience is Key(04 of13)
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Before sitting down your roommate to talk about how you feel, be considerate of your roommate's schedule and brace him for the conversation. Tell him briefly that you need to discuss next year's plans and would like to take time to talk about it. (credit:Alamy)
Get Out of the House to Talk(05 of13)
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Go out to dinner. Your roommate is far less likely to shed tears or throw a fit in public. If they seem visibly upset, offer to pay for their meal. It'll ease the blow. (credit:Alamy)
Speak Swiftly and Carry an Even Tone (06 of13)
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During this talk, be frank, but try not to be cold. For example, it's best to start with an introduction, like, "I've given this a lot of thought, and I think that I need a change next year. I'll be signing a lease with some friends soon. I just wanted you to know so you'd have time to prepare, too." It's also safe to say that keeping your tone and emotions in check so as to not make the situation any more dramatic is important. (credit:Alamy)
And You're Out! Unless...(07 of13)
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All the past advice is important to keep in mind assuming your roommate is your everyday, average, mentally stable college student. The following slides are guides to breaking up when your roommate is a little bit more unique. (credit:Alamy)
Your Roommate is a Drunk(08 of13)
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If your roommate is out all night, every night and has a blood alcohol content level that's never within the range of being capable of having a serious discussion, breaking up can be tricky. Invite him out to the bars and before you walk inside, ask him to take a short walk with you. He'll be so eager to flirt with Jack Daniels and the bartender that he likely won't protest when you tell him you have other plans for next year. (credit:Alamy)
You're Breaking Up With A Hippie Roommate(09 of13)
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If your roommate is a hippie, tell them something along the lines of"Hey, dude, I had this wicked crazy dream last night. Buddha told me I need change, and I need to wander in order to find harmony. I think I'm going to have to move out. It was a really powerful experience." Be convincing though. All that empathy for animals and the earth makes a hippie roommate mighty sensitive. (credit:Alamy)
Your Roommate Doesn't Have Many Friends(10 of13)
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When a roommate doesn't have many friends and you both get along relatively well, you can go through a spiraling guilt trip that may keep you locked into dorming with this person for all of college. Just because a person is tolerable, doesn't mean they're an ideal living buddy when you could live just as well, if not better, with a good friend. Plus, some people are just lone wolves, and they don't make a lot of friends not because they can't, but because they don't want to. Your roommate shouldn't be a personal charity project. (credit:Alamy)
Your Roommate Is Annoyingly Dramatic(11 of13)
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Are you afraid to break up with your roommate because she'll throw herself on the floor like she's auditioning for the role of Juliet? This may be an instance where you stay home to talk to her about moving out. If she starts to cry and scream, tell her that you have to grab some fresh air and that you've made up your mind but refuse to talk to her about the matter until she's calmer. (credit:Alamy)
You're Breaking Up With a Slob (12 of13)
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Getting your security deposit back on an apartment is awesome. What's not awesome is when you don't receive that fat check because your roommate is disgusting. When breaking up with the king of filth, be straight with him about what he is responsible for fixing and cleaning before you split. Don't let your roommate off the hook for objects he broke that the University might charge you both for. If you're afraid he's going to bail without doing his part, tell an RA that you don't want to be held accountable for someone else's issues. They'll likely help you out if you stay calm and kind. If it's an apartment, then enlist the help of some friends for clean-up. Clorox wipes, Windex and paper towels go a long way. Also, if your roommate chooses to leave objects behind without helping to clean, throw it all in the dumpster or donate it. (credit:Alamy)
You're Breaking Up With a Roommate (and her boyfriend)(13 of13)
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Are you breaking up with your roommate because you thought you'd signed up to live with one person, and now you're living with two? Sometimes, it's easier for you to just leave the apartment instead of kicing both of them out. Offer to sign the lease over to your roommate's significant other and tell your roommate that you just want to live somewhere with a little more privacy. (credit:Alamy)

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