Together, America Can Do Better. Everyone's Very Own Lump Of Coal From Your Friends In D.C.

Together, America Can Do Better. Everyone's Very Own Lump Of Coal From Your Friends In D.C.
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Who can forget the single biggest present our Democratic Leaders gave us this year? I still get goose bumps when I remember that first heady weekend of talk shows when they all wove it into their speeches so smoothly. Remember how it felt when you first heard those words, "Together, America Can Do Better." Or to be more precise, can you recall the elation you felt in your heart after you stopped cringing? Or throwing up?

Our Democratic elite, if only there were such a thing, spent somewhere around six months and half a million dollars on that line, but it's certainly proved worth it. It's on the tips of tongues of people everywhere. I mean, c'mon, be honest, does a day go by when you don't use it? Really but surely someone has used it in the last two months? No? No one? Hmm. Don't tell the geniuses in DC but some people have themelines that last literally years. Imagine that. How would the consultants possilby pay for their foie gras?

A few more pieces of coal.

To Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid for being told that the President of the United States was illegally spying on fellow Americans and don't absolutely nothing about it. Nada. Nothing. Zilch. Nancy thinks she might have had serious misgivings but it could have been the shrimp she had at lunch that day. Together, even you two should have been able to do better.

To John Kerry, Madeleine Albright, Evan Bayh and every other Democratic leader who looks at Iraq, sees $300 billion wasted and 2,000 plus lives gone, and the region inflamed for generations and can't say the four words my six year old can, "it was a mistake." We're never going to do better if we can't say what everyone in the world already knows.

To Joe Lieberman. For taking the together part a bit too far, your present is a primary challenger next time around.

To Hillary Clinton. There's only one problem with pandering to the middle in the age of the blogs - everyone knows what you're doing and why and how and we will remember. Freedom of speech? It doesn't get any better or more basic than that.

To The 9/11 Commission. Not very able were you when faced with any danger.

And now, a few people who put the happy in my holidays.

To Arianna, Peter Daou, Kos, Josh Marshall and so many other bloggers and online advocates who are building a force that could propel a Democrat to the White House in 2008 (now, we just need a Democrat who is smart enough to use the force.)

To Kristen Breitweiser and the 9/11 Widows, who, four years later are raising families and new puppies, still laughing and crying together and then, in their spare time, blasting away at everyone who still stands in the way of reform and safety.

To Laurie David and everyone who's helping her get the word out on global warming. Many have been blessed with financial success in life like Laurie, no one is doing more with that blessing.

To Max Cleland - because.

And to everyone who believes that the American dream is the dream of every American, not just white hetrosexual Christian males, it's time to get ready. To everyone who believes that we should fight wars when we need to, not because we want to, we're up next. To everyone who just has simply had enoughof student loans getting cut, of Americans dying of hunger, of our dead coming home from Iraq under the cover of the night, l share my resolution with you.

I want my country back.
