Chuck Schumer Says Fox News Spread Worst Lie In 'History Of Our Democracy’

The Senate majority leader urged MSNBC viewers to do one thing about the conservative network.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on Thursday excoriated Fox News, accusing the conservative network of being the “giant megaphone” spreading Donald Trump’s 2020 election lie.

Schumer called on viewers of MSNBC’s “All In With Chris Hayes” to flood the channel with calls for those hosts who pushed Trump’s false claim that he was cheated out of the election to admit they’d done so.

“The first thing I would do right now is urge your listeners, and listeners across the board, to just deluge Fox News with, ‘Retract, apologize, stop telling these lies,’” said Schumer.

It’s “the worst lie that has been told in the history of our democracy, as long as I can tell — because it’s eroding faith in the whole enterprise,” he said.

Earlier this week, Schumer and House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries penned an open letter to Fox Corp. owner Rupert Murdoch asking him to do just that, after it emerged that Murdoch under oath acknowledged some hosts “endorsed” Trump’s lie on the air. Murdoch said he regretted it.

Schumer told Hayes he hadn’t yet heard back from Murdoch.

“If he doesn’t, we’ll have to see what else we’ll do,” he said.

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