Dangerous Dick Demonstrates Even More Arrogance

Dangerous Dick Demonstrates Even More Arrogance
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In an interview yesterday with CNNs Wolf Blitzer, Vice President Cheney (VPC) demonstrated, once again, his great capacity for humility.

VPC categorized criticism of our Iraqi policy and allegations that blunders had been made as "hogwash." I assume that he would categorize any critique of the Administration's policies as being unacceptable or worse still, unpatriotic.

I would suggest that VPC take a few moments and look at the dictionary definition of "dissent," and comment as to exactly why it is unacceptable to him. "...to differ in sentiment or opinion, to disagree with the methods, goals, etc., of a political party or government; take an opposing view."

What a perfect definition of what America stands for. I would expect that VPC looks at all times for "adherence and agreement" from the public, the congress, and most of all the media.

It is both refreshing and reassuring to hear VPC speaking in such an articulate manner. He went on to say if we leave Iraq: "we would simply validate the terrorists' strategy that says the Americans will not stay to complete the task ... that we don't have the stomach for the fight. That's the biggest threat."

I know that this is unfair, but it is interesting that these comments come from a person who received and accepted several draft deferments during the Vietnam War. Dying or being severely wounded for ones country in a misadventure like Iraq may not be as simple or as glorious as VPC makes it out to be.

That is just great. Would VPC say the same things in 2, 5, or how about 10 years that he says today? And exactly who among the enemy will think less of us if we withdraw now, and why does this matter? What exactly are our sons and daughters being asked to die for?

VPC went on to say: "The notion that somehow the effort hasn't been worth it, or that we shouldn't go ahead and complete the task is just dead wrong." VPC also praised the removal of Saddam Hussein and said "The world is much safer today because of it,". This certainly qualifies as another GOOD GRIEF. Safer "my ass."

Was Hussein a "bad guy?" Yes, but over 25,000 American dead and wounded, and who knows how many Iraqis is a hell of a price to pay for this concept. Would VPC have said to America that the as yet unfinished war would cost so much in lives and money before the war and tell them that it will be well worth the price? I think not.
He went on to say that had Hussein been allowed to remain at the helm of Iraq, "he would, at this point, be engaged in a nuclear arms race with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, his blood enemy next door in Iran...There's problems -- ongoing problems. But we have, in fact, accomplished our objectives of getting rid of the old regime, and there is a new regime in place that's been there for less than a year, far too soon for you guys to write them off."

Asked to describe the biggest mistake made by U.S. war planners, Cheney said, "I think we underestimated the extent to which 30 years of Saddam's rule had really hammered the population, especially the Shia population, into submissiveness. It's very hard for them to stand up and take responsibility, in part because anybody who's done that in the past have had their heads chopped off."

GOOD GRIEF! How could VPC believe and say all of that? It is difficult to forget VPCs erroneous statements leading up to, as well as during the war.

Demonstrating his propensity for balance and fairness, VPC when asked about criticism from a conservative group, (Focus On The Family,) about the pregnancy of his daughter Mary, who is in a relationship with a female partner, Cheney expressed irritation with the question.

"I'm delighted I'm about to have a sixth grandchild, Wolf," he said. "And obviously I think the world of both my daughters and all of my grandchildren. And I think, frankly, you're out of line with that question."

GOOD GRIEF! OUT OF LINE WITH THE QUESTION? This question would be difficult for VPC to answer so instead of being a stand up guy and give Blitzer an answer he retreated behind the position of attacking the question as well as the person who asked it while never answering it.

I know I shouldn't go there, but I wonder why this question about his daughter is out of line and questions about Clinton's sex life were not. (I know that this is an irrelevant cheap shot, but what the hell.)

Neither President Bush nor Vice President Cheney apparently accept dissent or advice in any form from any person or group in that they perceive that they know best about everything at all times.

I wish that I still had some of that arrogance myself. "Self doubt sadly is my constant companion."
Wouldn't it be great if the mass media (Network Television) took some time away from American Idol to put all of this in perspective for our countrymen?

Silly thought.

Norman Horowitz

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