Mike Robertson, Race Car Driver, Grabs Derek Stoltz's Car, Gets Dragged (VIDEO)

WATCH: Craziest Race Car Road Rage Ever?

Saturday night at the races in Winston-Salem, N.C., produced a really crazy maneuver -- and it wasn't fancy wheel work.

Enraged driver Mike Robertson ran up and grabbed Derek Stoltz's car on the passenger window side and got dragged about 30 yards, the YouTube video above shows. He was thrown to the track and slammed into a wall, but he popped up seemingly without serious injury. How do we know? He then ran after Stoltz's car before security interceded.

Apparently, Robertson was angry that Stoltz, the eventual winner of the 20-lap Sportsman race, had bumped him from behind and forced his car out, the Winston-Salem Journal reports.

"Stupid man," one spectator can be heard yelling in the video.

Turns out road rage can get the best of racers at all levels.