Sepp Blatter And His FIFA Cronies Paid Themselves $80 Million

The revelation comes after FIFA's offices were raided by Swiss investigators on Friday.
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Sepp Blatter made it rain... Into his own bank account.

ZURICH - Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter and two other leading officials were involved in a "coordinated attempt" to enrich themselves through annual salary increases and World Cup bonuses, world soccer's governing body said on Friday.

FIFA said an internal investigation revealed that the three officials had received 79 million Swiss francs' compensation ($80 million) over five years. It said it had shared the information with the Swiss Attorney General's office and the U.S. department of justice and would continue to investigate.

Blatter and the two other officials, former secretary general Jerome Valcke and former finance director and deputy secretary general Markus Kattner, could not immediately be reached for comment.

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