Steele-ing the Spotlight

Poor Steele. He tries yet again, with great courage, to inject some logical, rational, science-based non-partisan thought into the debate only to be publicly rebuked by his political brethren.
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Ya gotta love newly-elected RNC Chairman Michael Steele. He's the most fun distraction to arise out of the Republican Party since Idaho's mensroom-footsie-loving Sen. Larry Craig.

Much to the delight of Democrats, who prefer when Republicans eat their own, the former Maryland Lieutenant Governor has found himself in yet another embarrassing shitstorm over comments made in a recent GQ magazine interview. Seems Steele committed partisan heresy for his comments on abortion and homosexuality.

"I think that's an individual choice," Steele said about abortion, before self-diagnosing his foot-in-mouth disease and pulling another classic back-peddle like he did after criticizing media-blowhard Rush Limbaugh two weeks ago: "The states should make that choice. That's what the choice is. The individual choice rests in the states. Let them decide." Sorry, Mike, nice try. Unfortunately for you, the cat's already out of the womb on that one.

On the subject of being gay, Steele bravely offered up this enlightened philosophy: "I think that there's a whole lot that goes into the makeup of an individual that you just can't simply say, oh, like, 'Tomorrow morning I'm going to stop being gay. It's like saying, 'Tomorrow morning I'm going to stop being black.'" Oops! We haven't yet seen the "clarification" on that one, but I'm sure when it comes it'll sound something like this:

"What I meant was, you can stop being gay if you try really put the damn Liza records away, start watching Schwarzenegger flicks and use the word 'dude' a lot. And just look at Robert Downey Jr. He woke up one morning and said 'I am going to stop being white' least during filming of Tropic Thunder. See? Everyone has the capacity to change."

And get this, Steele also sent conservative tongues wagging with this explanation for why he's currently redecorating his office: "This is going to sound weird, but it's way too male for me." What the hell is going on here!? Sounds like an episode of Queer Eye for the Republican Guy.

Poor Steele. He tries yet again, with great courage, to inject some logical, rational, science-based non-partisan thought into the debate only to be publicly rebuked by his political brethren. I guess that's what happens when you attempt to bring your party into the 21st century.

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