Troy Stanley: Marital And Financial Troubles, But A "Tremendous" Man Says Friend

Troy Stanley: Marital And Financial Troubles, But A "Tremendous" Man Says Friend

Fox News talked to a friend of Troy Stanley, who has been alleged to be the hostage taker at Hillary's NH office, Arnold Bennett, who said that he has had financial and marital problems and lost his brother and friends in recent years:

Arnold Bennett: My last conversation, I just wanted to see if I could help. Fox News: When was the last time you talked?AB: A couple of weeks ago at a gas station.. It took him a few minutes to recognize her [my wife] and he calmed down a bit. He's struggling... He's come from a tremendous family and was a tremendous man in this community. He's had some really hard luck, both with his marriage and financially and losing his brother and some of our other close friends have gone in the past few years.

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