Hillary Clinton Challenges Obama To Bowl Off

Hillary Clinton Challenges Obama To Bowl Off
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Hillary Clinton opened up her press conference in Philadelphia today with a bold new challenge to Barack Obama (it was met by "guffaws all around from the press corps"):

"This has been a very hard fought race. We need to do something so that our party and our people can make the right decision. So I have a proposal: today I am challenging Senator Obama to a bowl off. A bowling night right here in Pennsylvania. Winner take all. I'll even spot him two frames.

"It's time for his campaign to get out of the gutter and allow all of the pins to be counted. And I'm prepared to play this game all the way to the tenth frame. and when this game is over the American people will know when that phone rings at 3am they'll have a president who's ready to bown on day one. So let's strike a deal and go bowling for delegates. We don't have a moment to spare.

"Because it's already April Fool's Day. So happy April Fool's Day everyone."

Watch the video:

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