Homemade Gift Ideas: Witty Gloves From Country Living

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We're very excited to bring you a great homemade gift idea from one of our favorite magazines, Country Living. All text and images below are provided by Country Living. Get ready to get crafty!

Witty Gloves

Bring a bit of earnest irony to a pair of gloves with this hilariously tender riff on tough knuckle tattoos. Borrow our intentionally sweet phrases above, or come up with your own eight-letter expressions. We chose wool-blend gloves ($24; carolinaamato.com), but any knit version will work.

Step 1: Slide one glove onto your hand. Using a pastel chalk pencil ($5.59 for four; joann.com), mark each knuckle with a horizontal line at the bottom of each finger (the first joint) and another just below the second joint. Remove the glove, then repeat for the other hand. If needed, enlist a friend to mark your dominant hand.

Step 2: Lay the gloves, marked sides up, on a flat surface. Working within the horizontal lines, and using the chalk pencil, spell out the phrase you plan to stitch across both gloves. Try the gloves on to check that your letters are positioned to satisfaction.

Step 3: Using six-strand embroidery thread that contrasts with the color of your gloves, sew directly over the chalk letters with a basic stem stitch, making sure to sew through the top layer only. (Get a quick stem-stitch tutorial here.) Remove any stray chalk with a damp cotton swab—and spread the word!

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