John Boehner, Eric Cantor Clash Denied By Both GOP Leaders

John Boehner, Eric Cantor Clash Denied By Both GOP Leaders
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House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) both took to Fox News Wednesday night to deny recent reports that there was friction between the two House GOP leaders.

Boehner, however, did concede a number of the character assessments attributed to Cantor in a Wednesday article in Politico that suggested problems between the two leaders. But the minority leader insisted that the overall conclusion that the two were butting heads was simply false.

"He's young, he's aggressive. Listen, we come out of two different generations," Boehner told Greta Van Susteren of Fox News Wednesday. "But having said that, our goals are the same. We work very well together."

Cantor later gave a similar evaluation of his relationship with Boehner.

"This is nothing but high school gossip kind of reporting," Cantor said in a separate interview with Van Susteren.

"As far as my relationship with Leader Boehner, we have a regular communications. We get along well together," Cantor said. "I think it is the nature sometimes of this town and promotion of gossip that's not constructive at all."

Watch Cantor's comments:

Watch Boehner's comments, starting at 5:30:

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