News Roundup for July 12, 2017
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But his emails.

1. The saga of the health care bill continues. Mitch McConnell is set to offer a new draft of the Republican replacement for Obamacare on Thursday. Let’s see how many low income people it hurts this time, shall we? More here.

2. Trump is being sued by a free speech group who claim he is denying the right to free speech when he blocks his critics on Twitter. Should be a very interesting precedent if this makes it to court. More here.

3. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is reporting that ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has been killed. There is no further corroboration. More here.

4. An ice sheet weighing one trillion tons has broken off in Western Antarctica. But the GOP still believes global warming is no big deal. More here.

5. Trump says his son is innocent of any wrong doing regarding the Russia meeting. Apparently it’s all a big “witch hunt.”More here.

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