Rounding Sad and Heading For Laughingstock

Rounding Sad and Heading For Laughingstock
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For the longest time, I've tried to explain to my 8 year old son that the reason Hilary won't give up is that she's a fighter. That it isn't bad sportsmanship. That as long as she has a chance, she has the right. Now, just to be clear, I've known, like any rational observer, that this race was over since Wisconsin, but I looked at it as a teaching opportunity. After all, everyone wants their kids to be able to stand up for themselves, and fight for their place at the table. But this is now ridiculous. She's become a laughingstock. I'll tell you a story about what my teaching opportunity has wrought, but, first, an analogy appropriate to the NBA playoffs. If this primary is the seven game, semi-final series, then Obama has already one four games, and Hilary is now demanding that we play out the last 3 anyway. Is it so hard for the cowardly superdelegates to see that playing those last 3 games will hurt our chances for the title? Since it's now beyond obvious that Hilary will never let go of the ball, it's time for them to take it from her.

Anyway, I've milked the analogy long enough. Now for the story:

Yesterday, I was playing basketball (yes, it is a theme post) with my aforementioned son in the back yard. Sometimes I let him win. Its good for his confidence. Yesterday was not one of those times. Not only was I destroying him, I was trash talking while doing it. (I'm not proud of this, but don't worry, he knew I was kidding.) It went something like this:

"No way you're gonna win this!"
"Maybe you should just quit so we can have dinner."
"This thing is over!"

To which he finally responding at the top of his little lungs:

"I'm Hilary Clinton, damn it! It's never over!"

Now if I was a Hilary supporter, I might have found this inspiring. Trust me when I tell you, it wasn't. It was, however, hilarious. Fortunately, he was joking. Unfortunately, Hilary isn't.

The game is over. John McCain's got next.