Trevor Noah Doesn't Expect To Have Donald Trump On 'The Daily Show' Anytime Soon

Because Trump doesn't like to be challenged, he said.
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Trevor Noah does "commend" Trump for keeping up the crazy.
Jack Vartoogian/Getty Images

Trevor Noah would love to test out Donald Trump’s political chops, but the host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” thinks that Trump avoids any test he might fail.

Noah weighed in on the possibility of a Trump appearance during the Bloomberg Politics podcast “Masters in Politics.” 

“I don’t think he would ever come [on ‘The Daily Show,’]” Noah said. “I think Donald Trump purposefully stays away from places where he feels like he’ll be tested, so I don’t think that would ever happen.”

Noah has been a longtime critic of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee. He called Trump a “deranged f**k” last month for his comments following the Orlando nightclub shooting.

But in Friday’s podcast, Noah tried to look on the bright side by acknowledging the continuous flow of material he has thanks to Trump’s outlandish comments.

“Every single day, we sit in the office and we say, ‘Donald Trump surely, surely cannot say anything crazier than this,’” Noah said. “And every day he says something that shocks us. I don’t know how he does it. He’s a force of nature and you have to commend him for that.”

Not all the guests featured on the podcast were as amused. Stuart Stevens, former campaign strategist for 2012 presidential nominee Mitt Romney, said he’s been a skeptic of Trump’s campaign since the beginning.

“I don’t think he’s going to be on the ballot by Feb. 1,” Stevens told CNN’s Jake Tapper last October.

Like many others, Stevens got that wrong, but he still doubts Trump will win in November.  

“He can’t argue a case in five logical sentences,” Stevens said on Friday. “I think he’s going to go down to historic defeat.”

Editor’s note: Donald Trump regularly incites political violence and is a serial liar, rampant xenophobe, racist, misogynist and birther who has repeatedly pledged to ban all Muslims ― 1.6 billion members of an entire religion ― from entering the U.S.

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