Bring Joe-Mentum To The G.O.P.

Bring Joe-Mentum To The G.O.P.
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In 2002, as the midterm election approached, George Bush was beating the drums for war in Iraq. Many Democrats, fearing that they would be labeled "weak on defense," cynically voted for Bush's war and hoped that they could then win the election on domestic issues. We all saw how well that turned out for them!

Ever since Karl Rove took over the fundraising duties for Joe Lieberman's last Senate race, there's every reason to suspect that 'the fix is in.' And at a crucial moment when the Republicans need him most, Joe will declare for their caucus, sending control of the Senate into Dick Cheney's tie-breaking hands.

This year, the war that absolutely must get underway right before the election isn't Iraq, but Iran, and this year, the Dems who have the capacity to learn from history and grow something resembling a spine could very well vote to oppose such a war, or at least vote to reassert Congress' constitutional power to declare war.

That will be the moment that Joe do more than just speak at the RNC. He will embrace the Joe-mentum that propels him to the other side. He'll change his jersey and do his part to prevent the Senate from ever taking such a vote. The added bonus for George Bush might be a spate of lame duck judicial appointments. We'll see.

Here is the Billionaires' homage to Joe Lieberman and his slavish devotion to his fellow war-monger John McCain. Enjoy!

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