Cameron Diaz's 'Body Book' Is Actually Pretty Good

Cameron Diaz's 'Body Book' Is Actually Pretty Good
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NEW YORK, NY - JANUARY 06: Cameron Diaz promotes her new book 'The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body' at Barnes and Noble Union Square on January 6, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by Rob Kim/Getty Images)

The evening I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up a copy of Cameron Diaz's book The Body Book: The Law of Hunger, the Science of Strength, and Other Ways to Love Your Amazing Body, Cameron Diaz was coincidentally speaking about her book. But I didn't realize she'd be until right before I showed up and saw a few paparazzi standing outside in the cold at Union Square comparing lenses. Once I did, I began to get frightened.

Inside, the store showed few signs that there was a celebrity in its midst – except for a large poster in the front that indicated that if you were there for the reading, you should purchase your book at the counter. That seemed easy enough, though I felt weird about the fact that I wasn't going to the reading because of prior plans, a feeling exasperated by the aggressive nature of the sales clerk at the counter. "You're here for Cameron Diaz, right?" he said, pegging me in a way that made me wonder if he knew more about me than I knew (or know) about myself. When I quickly nodded, he asked me if I needed more than one book, rattled off a list of instructions about not losing my receipt, and warned me that Barnes & Noble/Diaz's private security might be patting me down upstairs. I felt so guilty about not actually attending the reading (partially because of a missed opportunity to see a celebrity that nags at many of us) that I actually took the escalator one flight up and debated sticking around for a moment, before putting the book in my purse and sneaking out the door.