The Arizona Cardinals Save Pat Tillman's Locker

The locker was saved as renovations nearly tore it down.
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As the Arizona Cardinals renovate their practice facility in Tempe, one small space will be kept as is: the locker of former player Pat Tillman.

Tillman's locker at the team's practice facility.

Tillman played for the team from 1998 to 2001 before enlisting in the U.S. Army following the 9/11 attacks. He was killed three years later by friendly fire while serving in Afghanistan.

The wooden locker will eventually go on public display, reported earlier this week. A framed photo of Tillman already hangs in the team's training room, as well as another that hangs in the office of Tom Reed, the team's head athletic trainer.

And while other players have used the locker, Cardinals Broadcast and New Media Manager Jim Omohundro would always make sure they knew of its history and its former occupant. It was Omohundro, as well, who saved the locker as he walked in while a construction worker was about to take it down.

“I was like, ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa. Can we carefully cut this one out and set it aside?’” Omohundro said. “I explained it was Pat Tillman’s locker.”