Rick Santorum May Have Tipped Off Ensign To Affair's Exposure

Rick Santorum May Have Tipped Off Ensign To Affair's Exposure
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A number of conservative Republicans appear to have become entangled Nevada Sen. John Ensign's affair and its aftermath. First, his mistress' husband said that Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) urged Ensign to pay off the woman's family. Now the cuckold is saying former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) was involved as well.

"One of the correspondents that is part of Fox News is Rick Santorum," Hampton told Ralston in an interview. "I sent a note to Rick. I begged Rick to call me, to talk to me before, and he didn't. Obviously, in my opinion, I could be wrong, but that would be what I supposed happen. And if I'm wrong, Rick, forgive, but it appears to me how it happened."

Ensign's parents paid his mistress' family $96,000, "out of concern for the well-being of long-time family friends during a difficult time."

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