Stormy Daniels Admits Senate Run Sounds "Ludicrous" (VIDEO)

Stormy Daniels Admits Senate Run Sounds "Ludicrous" (VIDEO)
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Adult film star Stormy Daniels talked with Fox News on Monday about her possible run for Senate against current Louisiana Sen. David Vitter. Daniels announced the formation of an exploratory committee in May, but she hasn't officially decided whether or not she will run for office.

Daniels was drafted to run by a group of citizens who were unhappy with Vitter's leadership. She told Fox News that she realizes the idea of a porn star running for Senate does sound "ludicrous," but she says she's using the opportunity to promote causes she's been supporting for a while -- like internet safety -- while learning more about the issues facing Louisiana.

The aspiring politician is being realistic about her chances for success, and readily admits there might be someone else better suited to the job.

...They dislike David Vitter so much that they think I'm the best person for the job ... I mean, that's kind of scary. I've said before, maybe I'm not, and perhaps me bringing attention to the issues at hand and the state of the Senate in Louisiana, maybe I will encourage someone else to step up and really give him a good challenge.

Daniels is adamant that if she decides to run, she wants her campaign to be substantive, and not a publicity stunt.

"If I'm the person to do that, then I'm willing to do everything I can in my power to make it to make it legit, and like I said, the best that I can do," she said.


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