When To Send A Thank You To Guests Who Didn't Send A Gift

The Wedding Thank-You Note Advice Marrying Couples Should Know
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The rules of wedding etiquette are constantly changing, making it difficult for modern brides, grooms and guests to find up-to-date and correct information. But here at HuffPost Weddings, we're all about making your life easier. That's why we've launched #MannersMondays, a weekly series in which we ask our followers on Twitter and Facebook to submit their most burning etiquette-related questions. Then, with the help of our team of etiquette experts, we get you the right answers to your biggest Big Day dilemmas. You can send yours via Facebook or tweet it to us @HuffPostWedding with the hashtag #MannersMondays. Check out this week's question below!

"We have a few guests that attended our wedding, but did not send an additional gift beyond the gift of their presence. I would like to still send a thank-you note since many of them traveled from out of town to attend our wedding. When is the appropriate time to send that note? We have a few friends that have indicated that they will be sending a gift so I don't want to send a note if a gift is forthcoming. But I also don't want to delay sending a "thank you for attending" note for guests whose attendance was their gift." - Dannie Diego

Xochitl Gonzalez -- etiquette expert, wedding planner and HuffPost Weddings blogger -- is here to tell us the proper way to go about this without being awkward or impolite. Find out what she had to say below:

Dannie, what a lovely sentiment and such a nice palate cleanser from all these stories of couples having "gift tantrums" with their guests. I think that sending a "thank you for attending" note is a lovely idea, especially for those guests that you haven't gotten a present from but traveled a distance to come. However, rather than explicitly saying "Thank you for the present of your presence" -- which indicates an almost awkward awareness of the fact that you haven't yet received a gift -- just leave it as, "We are so appreciative that you traveled such a distance to be a part of our wedding day." The intention is to thank them, and that accomplishes that, while neither assuming that you will or will not receive a wedding gift some time in the future. You can send those notes as soon as you would like. For your local guests who attended but haven't yet sent you a gift, the "thank you for attending" note is a bit of overkill and, again, could seem more like a fishing line for a gift than an actual note of gratitude.

Below, Peggy Post -- great-granddaughter-in-law of Emily Post -- and other wedding-etiquette gurus share 10 guidelines that couples and their guests don't necessarily have to follow anymore.

Wedding Etiquette Rules You Can Break
The Bride's Family Should Foot The Bill (01 of10)
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With more couples marrying later in life when they're financially established, the rules concerning who pays for their weddings have changed. "Now, couples paying for most or all of their weddings is more the norm than brides' families paying," says Peggy Post. Even when parents are writing the checks, they no longer have to follow strict guidelines about which family handles what (i.e., the bride's pays for the reception and the groom's pays for the alcohol). Instead, couples who accept their parents' financial help should decide "what items are their highest priority, as in the things they want to pay for and have more control over, and the items that are less important, that they would be okay with parents paying for and controlling," says Sharon Naylor, best-selling author of "The Essential Guide to Wedding Etiquette." (credit:Shutterstock)
Brides Must Wear White(02 of10)
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White is no longer just for virginal, first-time brides, nor do brides have to wear it at all. "Really, a bride may wear any color she desires on her wedding day," says Washington, D.C.-based wedding planner and etiquette expert Claudia Lutman. "Before Queen Victoria, who is solely credited as establishing the tradition of the white bridal gown, brides wore their best dresses, despite the color." (Dresses pictured, from left to right: Crashing Waves Gown, Trumpeted Pavot Gown, Sweet Tea Gown, Frondescence Gown) (credit:Courtesy of BHLDN)
Guests Can't Wear White(03 of10)
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While white is typically "reserved for the bride," according to nationally recognized etiquette expert Diane Gottsman, other experts see the tides changing on this rule. "As long as guests do not upstage the bride or appear to be in competition with her, a winter white or summer cream dress is now considered okay," says Lutman. As Post advised New York Times readers in March, what matters most is making sure you're not "unintentionally calling attention" or "causing offense to the bride." She said that guests should avoid wearing any outfit -- regardless of color -- if they doubt its appropriateness for the occasion. (Dresses pictured, from left to right: Crème Fraiche Dress, Persephone Shift) (credit:Courtesy of BHLDN)
The Mother Of The Bride Can't Host The Shower(04 of10)
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Etiquette rules used to dictate that a bride's immediate family, particularly her mother, couldn't throw her bridal shower. "It was taboo because it was thought as being self-serving or raking in the gifts, but that's changed immensely," Post says. In fact, as more couples plan their own weddings, brides' mothers tend to feel left out as far as orchestrating the festivities goes, Naylor explains. Because of this, she says it is more than acceptable for a mother to "join in with the bridesmaids to co-host the shower, which skirts the etiquette 'don't.'" She adds that having mom's help can also ease the strain on bridesmaids who might be overwhelmed by the money they're spending on dresses, travel and other pre-wedding costs. (credit:Alamy)
Single Women Are Obligated To Participate In The Bouquet Toss(05 of10)
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Unattached women who dread -- or feel downright offended by -- this tradition don't have to put on a happy face and make their way to middle of the dance floor when the DJ beckons. "As a single woman, if you don't want to chase down a bouquet, it is in your right to abstain," says Gottsman. "You shouldn't be chastised into doing it." But she warns that standing off to the side with your arms crossed or shaking your head at those clamoring for the coveted bouquet will come off as rude. Just quietly slip off to the ladies' room when the time comes if you'd rather not participate. (credit:Alamy)
Your Registry Information Should Be Shared Only By Word Of Mouth (06 of10)
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"It used to be considered bad etiquette to spread the news of the registry any way other than by word of mouth," says Naylor. "But that rule was created when everyone going to the wedding lived a couple blocks from each other." Now, she says, guests appreciate having these details on the wedding website so they don't have go searching for where a couple is registered -- it's actually bad etiquette not to post this information. While this rule has changed over time, Gottsman says it is still in poor taste to put any gift-giving guidelines on your wedding invitations. (credit:Shutterstock)
You Can't Ask For Cash(07 of10)
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While it's common in certain cultures (like Chinese and Italian) to give cash as a wedding gift, this wasn't always the case for Americans -- in fact, it used to be considered rude to ask for it. But Post says that giving money is becoming more popular as couples get creative with their registries. "It used to be that you only had traditional household goods and linens on your registry," she says. "Now, they are just so much more practical -- they can be for a home-improvement store, a wine store or even a down payment for a house." That said, couples should still provide a traditional registry for more old-fashioned guests, who might want to purchase a more conventional gift or feel uncomfortable giving cash, says Naylor. (credit:Shutterstock)
Out-Of-Town Guests Must Be Invited To The Rehearsal Dinner(08 of10)
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While the rehearsal-dinner tradition began as a pre-wedding meal for those just in the wedding party, it's evolved into more of a welcome dinner for the out-of-town guests. Naylor says this shift can put a huge financial burden on couples, as the rehearsal dinner becomes "almost like a second wedding." To cut costs and avoid offending anyone, she suggests giving out-of-towners a list of restaurants in the area where they can go to dinner on their own or planning an evening cocktail party in lieu of a dinner. "It will cost less, and it will still give guests something to eat and something to do," she says. (credit:Alamy )
Unattached Guests Over 18 Should Get A "Plus One"(09 of10)
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As another way to trim their wedding budgets, "many couples are not including 'plus ones' for their single guests," says Lutman. This goes against the once-standard rule that unattached guests of a certain age should be allowed to bring a date. The tricky part about breaking this rule is deciding what constitutes "single" -- for example, a couple may have guests who are unmarried but live with their significant others. Naylor advises making a rule of inviting only "the non-married couples with whom you socialize." Though some guests might be offended, "it's one of those sticky things that is necessary in today's financial era," she says. (credit:Alamy)
You Have A Year to Send Thank-You Notes(10 of10)
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According to Naylor, this rule dates back to the days when it was customary to include a wedding photo with your thank-you notes -- and when getting those pictures from the photographer took at least six months. Now that photos are digital and take about half that time to receive, couples should put pen to paper two to three months after they say their "I do's." In fact, Naylor adds that couples are now expected to write a personal message to guests rather than just the standard "thank you for coming," so it's best to get a jump on those notes while the details of the night are still fresh. (credit:Shutterstock)

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