11 Bizarre Attractions Around The World (PHOTOS)

PHOTOS: 11 Bizarre Sights Around The World

Admit it, there are some pretty weird places in the world.

From Stonehenge to Easter Island to all the amazing ruins from past cultures in Mexico, the world is chockablock of bizarre sights worth visiting.

Here are 11 of the most awe-inspiring and bizarre sights in the world.

Tonina Mayan Ruins in Chiapas(01 of10)
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Cows do not think much about Mayan ruins. This phot from http://mayantrip.com
Mask at Kohunlich Mayan Ruins Mexico(02 of10)
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A 6th century Mayan carving on a temple at Kohunlich in the Yucatan Peninsula. From the blog Mayan Trip.
Carrowmore, Ireland(03 of10)
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I couldn't get them to mooove out of the way.
Queen Maeve's Tomb, Ireland(04 of10)
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It's the nipple on top of the ridge.
Petra, Jordan(05 of10)
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The Treasury at Petra in Jordan. Photo credit Graham Marsden, Marsden Media.
Machu Picchu(06 of10)
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Built at 8500 ft elevation, with no wheel, no heavy draft animals from a quarry 3 miles away.
Lalibela, Ethiopia(07 of10)
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Beta Giorgis Church built in the 13th century. North-central Ethiopia.
Mayan Temple at Hormiguero Campeche Mexico(08 of10)
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This hungry looking 7th century temple is at the remote ruins of Hormiguero in Campeche, from http://mayantrip.com
Great Zimbabwe(09 of10)
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Chernobyl(10 of10)
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I visited Chernobyl recently. And while it's not an ancient ruin, it certainly is destined to be. My story and more pictures: http://chernobyl-pripyat.com/

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