Anna Wintour On 'CBS Sunday Morning' Talks Covers, Archives (VIDEO)

WATCH: Best-Selling Vogue Of All Time REVEALED

Those with the foresight to get up early this Sunday morning (or to set their DVRs) got a fun little peek into Vogue's past care of "CBS Sunday Morning."

Serena Altschul sat down with Anna Wintour and Hamish Bowles to discuss 120 years of Vogue covers -- and the new digital archive that will showcase them all.

We already got a preview last week (including tidbits about Wintour's riskiest cover ever) and there were quite a few facts thrown out in the SCB segment that any Vogue lover would already know.

Of course they touched on Vogue's biggest issue ever (the five-pound September 2007 issue, covered by Sienna Miller and profiled in R. J. Cutler's "The September Issue" documentary).

They also chatted about Vogue's new digital archive, which you might've heard costs $1,500 to access (but will become partially available to the mag's subscribers soon).

But we were intrigued by one fun fact about Vogue's best-selling issue ever. Hamish Bowles says that it was 1992's 100th anniversary edition, featuring a zillion top supermodels on the cover, that sold the best.

Why? The models, of course. Bowles explains:

"They were the kind of Liz Taylors of the Eighties. They were the ones with the unbelievably glamorous lives and the crazy glamorous boyfriends and they were the girls that everybody wanted to be."

True fact. Although these days, the girls we want to be are the ones who've got access to the massive, 400,000-page Vogue online archive... we're practically salivating from the tantalizing sneak peeks in the video below.


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