Ex-Aide Sums Up Who’ll Staff Trump’s Next White House With 2 Brutal Words

Alyssa Farah Griffin explained why the former president's latest comments to Time magazine are "devastating."

Former Trump White House communications director Alyssa Farah Griffin has warned that Donald Trump’s potential second administration will be staffed by either “liars or lunatics.”

Griffin, a co-host on “The View,” on Tuesday pointed to the former president’s new interview with Time magazine — which reported the presumptive GOP nominee would “staff his Administration with acolytes who back his false assertion that the 2020 election was stolen” — as proof.

The lengthy interview is “Trump in his own words saying these scary things,” said Griffin.

“It is devastating to me that this is not resonating with Republicans, a party I’ve been a member of my whole life, that they’re just not believing it,” she continued. “The things he says, we should take literally.”

Trump admitted “he’s going to hire only loyalists and people who say that the last election was stolen,” Griffin added. “So, he’s admitting he’s going to staff a White House and the entire federal government with either liars or lunatics.”

The former Trump aide said she unequivocally wants her former boss to lose in November.

“He and [President] Joe Biden are neck and neck,” she warned. “It is very real that in seven months we will wake up to President-elect Donald Trump and that should be scary for every American.”

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