I Just Got Engaged, And This Is Why I'll Be Taking My New Husband's Last Name

I Just Got Engaged, And This Is Why I'll Be Taking My New Husband's Last Name
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So I’m engaged. It happened when I least expected it, the timing couldn’t have been any more perfect, and the man who’s now my fiance couldn’t be any more awesome. I finished one chapter in my life -- grad school -- only to be immediately thrust into the next: engagement, and eventually married life.

I’m 31. Which means I had a whole lot of living that happened before I met my fiance and before we decided to hitch ourselves together. I was a dancer. A teacher and choreographer. I worked in print and digital media and regular old radio. And in the last three years, I’ve been a fashion designer, fashion writer, greeting card designer and illustrator. My name -- Veronica Miller, sometimes Veronica Marché Miller -- is attached to a string of articles, blog posts, NPR stories, xoJane pieces, drawings, cards and clothing that span the better part of the last decade.