Karl Rove Census Ad (VIDEO): Former Bush Aide Urges Americans To Fill Out Their Forms

Karl Rove Census Ad (VIDEO): Former Bush Aide Urges Americans To Fill Out Their Forms
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Recent author and former Bush adviser Karl Rove has teamed up with the Census Bureau to film a new public service announcement urging people fill out their 2010 Census form.

Rove told the Washington Post that he agreed to appear in the commercial, "because the Census settles apportionment of Congress and the current distrust of Washington should not discourage people from being counted."

The appearance of Rove, a conservative darling, in an ad to promote Census participation comes on the heels of recent publicized anti-census outrage from lawmakers such as Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) and Ron Paul (R-Texas). But lately, some Republicans have been changing their tune, responding to concern that boycotting the census could result in fewer GOP-leaning districts in Congress and state legislatures after redistricting.

Last week, Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) wrote a post for the conservative blog RedState entitled "Returning the Census is Our Constitutional Duty", in which he argued that "blatant misinformation" about the census from conservatives will "hand Nancy Pelosi more congressional seats."

Take a look at some of the craziest Census conspiracies floating around.

Watch the ad:

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