7 Reasons Why Outlet Shopping Isn't All That Great (GIFS)

7 Reasons Why Outlet Shopping Isn't All That Great

For the vast majority of people, holiday weekends prove to be a great time to hit the outlet malls. With a little more free time, shoppers have the energy to brave the crowded parking lots, elbow their way through racks of clothing and stand in line for hours at the checkout.

Yes, you can find a great deal and stay cool in the air conditioning, but let's not get ahead of ourselves -- there are many things about outlet shopping that isn't all that great.

Below, a few reasons we're happy to stay out of the outlets this long weekend:

1. They get so crowded, they often start to resemble mosh pits.

2. People are constantly running to get a deal.

3. Nine times out of ten, you end up getting lost. The place is SO big.

4. When people are going to the checkout with an arm full of clothing, it's easy to get caught up in the mentality and develop the motto:

5. You have to sift through racks of clothes that are outdated.

6. Even though you go in there thinking you're going to get a great deal, however, a lot of stores manufacture things specifically for the outlets.

7. You end up buying things just because they're on sale.

At the end of the day, who wouldn't rather do this?

Or this:

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