Sarah Palin Brings Back The Corsage At Alaska Anniversary Ball

Sarah Palin Brings Back The Corsage At Alaska Anniversary Ball

It's been about 26 years since Sarah Palin attended her high school prom, but that didn't stop her from sporting a corsage at a celebration for Alaska's 50th anniversary on Friday night. Below, Palin, wearing a pink and black ensemble with the white wrist corsage in question, sits for a photograph with past Alaska governors.

What kind of flower could it be? A gardenia? A white rose? One thing's for certain: it does not appear to be Alaska's state flower, the Forget-Me-Not.

Former Alaska governors Bill Sheffield, left, Walter J. Hickel, Frank Murkowski, Tony Knowles, Steve Cowper, and Keith Miller, right, with Governor Sarah Palin, front left, and Territorial Governor Mike Stepovich, front right, talk as they wait for a ceremony to honor Alaska governors as part of Alaska's 50th anniversary in Anchorage, Alaska Friday Nov. 14, 2008. (AP)

A corsage close-up (the governor also appears to have injured her thumb or thumbnail)

Flashback: Palin at her high school prom with Todd, seemingly sans corsage

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