Since When Has Being a Woman Ever Been a Trump Card?

Donald Trump stated that in Hillary Clinton's quest to be the Democratic nominee for President, she is only doing as well as she is because she is a woman. Since when has being a woman ever translated into a trump card?
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Donald Trump stated that in Hillary Clinton's quest to be the Democratic nominee for President, she is only doing as well as she is because she is a woman.

Since when has being a woman ever translated into a trump card?

Surely not in the working world, where women are paid 77 cents to the dollar men earn. Surely not in competitive endeavors involving physical strength, like the Boston Marathon. And not among misogynists like Donald Trump who view women as either attractive or not attractive but definitely not intellectual equals to men.

Also curious is how Donald Trump doesn't realize how that comment insults all women. He is basically saying that the women who are supporting Hillary are doing so because Hillary is a woman and not because we may support her policies and goals for the country. So apparently the women supporting Hillary are idiots who don't have reasoned opinions about why they would support Hillary for President.

Being a woman has never been a woman's trump card.

And being Donald Trump may not be the Donald's trump card either, when we women get to the polling booths.

photo credit: Donald Trump via photopin (license)