I can't think of a midterm election that has mattered more. Next year's congressional races will determine President Barack Obama's legacy. And that's what his Inaugural speech was all about.
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I can't think of a midterm election that has mattered more. Next year's congressional races will determine President Barack Obama's legacy. And that's what his Inaugural speech was all about.

Rallying defeat of the GOP's House majority and its Senate filibuster veto would pave the way for the progressive change Obama vowed.

This talk that Obama has run his last race is just silly. He's got one more. And persuading foes he'll successfully campaign against them might even bear fruit now.

That's why risking defeat this year on gun control, immigration and climate change makes sense for Obama. Show voters how right-wing Republicans and fake Democrats stand in the way of a better nation.

Now is the time for progressives to find candidates in their communities and states to defeat the crazies, to identify and energize the voters who can get the job done. No matter how hard it might seem, it can be done.

Draw blood on Capitol Hill. No more talk of healing. That's how Obama gets the Congress he needs next year to make a real difference.

It's time we get back to being a noble experiment. Change can happen.

I host your comments daily at craigcrawford.com.

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