Bored With Your Closet? Do Like the French

The women in Paris really have it down. They're elegant, progressive and bold -- not to mention well-heeled.
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Fresh off the heels of my Paris Fashion Week trip, I'm still reeling from all the incredibly well-dressed women I saw -- off the runways. The women in Paris really have it down. They're elegant, progressive and bold -- not to mention well-whheeled. I've never seen so many beautiful shoes in my life -- and how they walk in four-inch heels on those pothole-filled, cobblestone streets? It was truly amazing. I tend to save my best shoes for events where they won't get ruined. In Paris? Not so! Shoes -- as well as clothes -- are for wearing.

If you're like me, no matter how many great pieces you have in your closet, you often run out of fresh ideas. So, I'm sharing some of the cool outfits I saw with the hopes that you will get inspired, and have some fun! Layer on the gold necklaces, be brave and bust out the leather, and wear your Louboutins with even knatty jeans. It's only fashion.

The gal pictured was coming out of the Louis Vuitton show and all photographers started snapping. I asked, "Who is she?" They all said, "Oh she is no one special, we just think she has a cool outfit." I couldn't agree more. The gold necklace is the focal point and it's smashing!

I walked by this petite woman (above) at the Chanel show and did a double take. She was just so darn chic -- from her super short hair to her leather skinny jeans to her boot shoes. I asked her where she got her boots and she replied, "They are Chanel and they are really comfy." On those four inch stilts -- really? I was later introduced to her and turns out she Maureen Chiquet, the CEO of Chanel. Talk about fringe benefits...

This woman, I was told, is a French stylist. I was impressed with her creativity -- combining such a feminine, dainty dress and hat (I think it was Chanel) with military-esque gold button adorned high booties. The shoes are by Christian Dior, but if you fancy them, head by the chain store Guess first. The Dior boots come in navy and caramel. At Guess, here in LA, I saw a perfect knock off of the blue ones. Who knows? Guess might make them in caramel too, which could be a really nice score!

This is one of the Louis Vuitton models leaving the show in her street clothes. It's interesting to see what happens when the uber chic, ultra pricey designer duds come off. I just thought she had a cool vibe with her skinny jeans, masculine shoes and fitted black jacket. Below is another model, also leaving the show, with a faux fur jacket, black Chanel purse, floor length black cotton skirt, clunky boots and dramatic hat.

I thought this woman above, with her suede boots, short dress and leopard jacket, just had a really chic vibe. The Parisian women, of all ages, wear boots of all kinds. It's not unusual to see women in their 50's and 60's wearing thigh high boots. And, even elderly ladies seem to take pride in their ensembles. The rainy morning I left I couldn't help but notice a 70-something woman in a kelly green trench coat, clutching a green umbrella.

This gal, a spectator at the Chanel show, was couture clad from her head to her toes. Take a look at these Valentino heels. I can't tell you how many times I saw this exact shoe on the streets of Paris -- women shopping, out to lunch, etc. Looking at them, you'd think just walking a few steps would be an issue. Not so for the French!

Here in LA, you rarely see women wearing stockings -- nude, black or otherwise. In the winter, you'll sometimes see opaque tights and, on occasion, netted and lace patterned stockings. However, in France, they are du rigeur. In fact, I saw more covered legs than bare, and the weather was still quite warm -- in the high 60's and low 70's. Hosiery is a much more important component of fashion there and I thought while looking at this woman and her Miu Miu shoe boots that the black stockings really completed the look.

Finally, a quick word about French men. I was also impressed with their fashion saavy. Except for one man. This police enthusiast... shall we say... was at the Chanel show. He must have been a fan of the 80's group The Village People. Or, it's quite possible he knows something about fashion that I don't.

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