Do You Need a Shift Within Your Life?

Do You Need a Shift Within Your Life?
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Joy, intellect, respect, connections, happiness, finances, love, relationships, career -- what are you willing to do for YOUR best journey in these key areas of your life?

Since I started working at the age of 16, I was fortunate to learn from the best. My first job as a butcher, I learned extraordinary skills both mentally and physically for what it takes to be great, to work hard, to provide the best customer service, to be kind, to smile as often as you can, and to always show up.

Looking back I feel as if my first job was part of the big plan the "Higher Power" has for me. This was the job that taught me the very basics in customer service and working hard. It was a family-run business and they treated their employees and customers like family. They had relationships with the customers and always remembered what they loved and usually needed when shopping at their store.

I saw how my boss and the family worked extremely hard and literally did whatever it took to make a customer happy, do the right thing, and prosper.

Over the next month I'll be writing, Periscoping, and Blabbing about this theme -- What Are You Willing to Do? This is all part of Identity's 10-year anniversary celebration and our 3rd Identity LIVE conference.

When I think of this statement, it brings me back to the sacrifices and choices I've made while pursuing my entrepreneurial lifestyle. This particular year, my 4th year as an entrepreneur, a mentor said to me, "you can't be a part time entrepreneur, at least not forever." Sooner or later a decision has to be made and I had reached that moment.

My two biggest fears were money and failure.

My nine-to-five job paid really well and I had great benefits, PLUS I had about 12k in my 401k. That was pretty good at the age of 27-ish. The not-so-good part was that I had lots of debt that I was paying off, and it was taking FOREVER to pay down.

There are times when I get this feeling in my heart that I just know what I need to do for my next step. I always seem to question myself; however, once a thought is in my head, a decision is quickly next in line. This particular time was making the decision to go part-time in my nine-to-five job and pick up a weekend job so I could have more time during the week for meetings and networking to grow my digital magazine.

Fast Forward

After about a year of working part-time and tending bar on the weekends, I saved some cash, paid down some debt, and was still getting ready for the next step.

I was still working over 100 hours a week between my part-time day job, bartending, and building my own business. There were so many moments I wanted to give up because I was working my butt off and it felt like I was sacrificing so much to be an entrepreneur.

That's the moment you have to dig and remember WHY and WHAT ARE YOU WILLING TO DO FOR YOUR "WHY"

Still to this day, I have that drive inside of me. I will do whatever it takes to support my family. I will never have the attitude of I'm too good for this or that. I will do whatever it takes, work whatever job I have to, as long as it's supporting my family and presenting opportunities. I'm extremely blessed and grateful for all of the success and connections thus far.

Life comes with sacrifices, and we can't, or we shouldn't, have our cake and eat it too. It's part of the experiences that create our journeys. I've asked other career-minded women what they've sacrificed in order to create their best life:

- Moved back home with parents or stayed longer than wanted to
- Picked up a weekend job in order to build a savings account
- Filed bankruptcy
- Used 401k to pay off debt in order to start a business
- Sold a house to move into an apartment to start a business
- Missed family birthday celebrations and holidays due to traveling
- Broke up with a guy to focus
- Worked for days straight with no sleep

"Long hours, and two jobs. I won't cut back on eating out because it feels like the only reward I can really justify anymore. I've sacrificed sleep, vacations, purchases, visits with friends, and so much more. I don't regret a thing because I've created a successful business that provides me freedom." Says Raspberri Elisa, CEO & President at Launch.U

Personally, I've sacrificed many of the same things. I worked multiple jobs, at one point up to 3, pulled all nighters to get work done and meet goals, missed girlfriend getaways with my besties, and lived at home longer than any 25+ girl wants.

While some of these seem to be greater sacrifices than others, they all affect each of us differently. It's most important to remember that sacrifices aren't forever.

Maybe you're at a point in your life where you need a shift and that shift may need you to make a sacrifice. What are you willing to do?

Originally posted on

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