Elle Macpherson Shares Her Easy Beauty Tips

Elle Macpherson's Totally Easy Tips For Looking Just Like Her

Supermodels love to go on and on about how easy it is to look like them. Just drinks five gallons of water a day! Just meditate every morning! Simply add four tablespoons of coconut oil to your diet!

Elle Macpherson gave Elle UK a similar array of "easy" explanations for how she stays so darn gorgeous and slender as a 48-year-old model (who's also a mother of two young kids). And she makes it sound so infuriatingly simple.

A sampler:

I eat organic, locally sourced food wherever possible. I don’t like to have chemicals in my body at all, so I don’t drink, smoke or take drugs, not even Aspirin.

The most important thing for me is scrub. I have a scrubbing mitt and I buff my whole body and face everyday twice a day, in the shower in the morning and bath at night. And then moisturise; the texture of skin is really important.

... If you don’t drink lots of water there’s no point. I challenge any woman to drink 3 litres water everyday for a month and sleep for seven hours a night, that she won’t lose weight, look better and feel better.

Sounds easy enough to us! Just eat right all the time, never drink, smoke or take painkillers, spend half of your day scrubbing your body and the other half either sleeping or exercising. Just do all these things, and you too can wear PVC pants in your forties.

At least the Australian model didn't suggest taking those rhino power pills. Those sounded dangerous.

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