New Science Says Eat More To Weight Less

New Science Says Eat More To Weight Less

Worried about fitting into your bathing suit, shorts and other summer clothing without feeling chronically hungry and deprived?
The answer may be to eat more, not less.
Yes, you read that correctly. And no, it's not the latest diet fad.
Chalk it up to energy density - a theory that has been simmering in nutrition circles for years. It's an idea that also fits well with our supersized eating habits, since it's based on volume. In fact, one of the leading researchers in the field has dubbed the idea "volumetrics."

Here's how it works: Swap high-calorie (also known as energy-dense) foods with lower-calorie (low-energy-dense) fare. If that sounds like just the latest spin on the traditional low-fat approach, think again. Gram for gram, low-energy-dense foods contain fewer calories than their energy-dense cousins because they're higher in water, fiber or air. Not only does that additional volume fool the eye, it also satisfies the appetite. As a result, you can serve larger portions of low-energy-dense foods than of standard fare.

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