Politiku for Mother's Day

The impact that our mothers' feelings, ideas, ideals, experiences and activities have on us is difficult to grasp. What is clear, however, is that our mothers' politics influence our political identity
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Mothers Day wouldn't have existed if it wasn't for Anna M. Jarvis' tireless solicitations to legislators and businessmen. In 1914, when her efforts finally paid off, the holiday dedicated to honoring mothers was officiated as a national holiday by President Woodrow Wilson. It is now observed on the second Sunday of May in countries all around the world.

Thought rarely associated with Anna M. Jarvis, it is not difficult to associate this holiday with tireless advocacy. A mother on a mission is a force to be reckoned with.

The impact that our mothers' political thoughts, feelings, ideas, knowledge, ideals, choices, opportunities, experiences and activities have on us is difficult to grasp. What is clear, however, is that our mothers' politics influence our political identity. In honor of our moms; Matt, Don, Aaron , Phil, Irene, Martha and I present: Politiku for Mother's Day

Martha Danly's Politku

One true Democrat.
Marries a Republican.
Brings him to her side.

Don Goede's Politiku

happy mom's day mom
and yes, we are still at war
the living say, "hi."

Mom? What do you mean
The Weather Underground may
Have stayed at our house?

In the Midwest, where
Activism's more polite,
You fought hard enough to win.

Phil Rose
's Politiku

"Nice young black man," this
"Jesus was a rabbi," that
Liberal white guilt.

Irene Gravina's Politiku

"I chose Obama
From the start of the campaign,"
my Mom says proudly

Matt Cohen's Politiku

Mom's a liberal
She's also conservative
Mostly she just cares

Mom's view is open
Picks her issues one by one
Then changes her mind.

Susanna Speier's Politiku

Mom tells me about
Her Zayde's Roosevelt Clock
"Wheel for a New Deal"

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