Robbie Ross Wears Wrong Jersey: Texas Rangers Rookie Has Wrong Colored Uniform On In Bullpen (VIDEO)

Rangers Reliever Wears Wrong Jersey

We've seen plenty of jersey fails with incorrect spellings, but the Texas Rangers provided a different kind of uniform error in Game 2 of their double-header against the Baltimore Orioles. Holding on to 7-3 lead in the bottom of the eighth, two Texas relievers started warming up in the bullpen after Nick Markakis walked and stole second base.

As FOX Sports Southwest cameras showed Koji Uehara and rookie Robbie Ross getting ready, the broadcast team noticed something a bit off color. Playing at Camden Yards, the Rangers were wearing their away blue uniforms. But Ross, for some unknown reason, was sporting a grey jersey.

Both announcers got a good laugh while they wondered if it was a new form of rookie hazing since it seemed like none of his teammates said anything to him.

Perhaps Ross simply forgot to change following the first game of the double-header where the Rangers dawned their grey unis.

After Adam Jones walked to put baserunners on first and second, the cameras went back to the bullpen showing Ross with the correct blue jersey on along with a big smile on his face.

Video above via

Before You Go

Athlete Jersey Fails
Eugenio Velez - San Francisco Giants(01 of12)
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San Francisco is misspelled on the front of Eugenio Velez's jersey in a game against Houston on April 7, 2010. (credit:AP)
Aaron Harang - Cincinnati Reds(02 of12)
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Aaron Harang was missing an important vowel in "CINCINNATI" across his chest on April 12, 2005. (credit:Getty)
Wayne Gretzky - New York Rangers(03 of12)
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"The Great One" had a few letters switched around in his name, which he donned during a loss to the Islanders on Oct. 30, 1997. (credit:Getty)
Adam Riggs - Anaheim Angels(04 of12)
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Adam Riggs didn't even notice this glaring mistake during a game against the Tigers on Aug. 16, 2003. (credit:Steve Grayson/WireImage)
Rob Niedermayer - Buffalo Sabres(05 of12)
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Rob Niedermayer unknowingly played three games with the Buffalo Sabres before being told of the mistake on his nameplate in January 2011. (credit:US Presswire)
Troy Tulowitzki - Colorado Rockies(06 of12)
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After being named to the 2011 MLB All-Star Game, MLB's online store made this little gaffe on their front page ad for game-themed merchandise.
Andray Blatche - Washington Wizards(07 of12)
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Washington Wizards' Andray Blatche played with the name "BALTCHE" across his back in a game against the Philadelphia 76ers . (credit:ComCast)
John Wall - Kentucky Wildcats(08 of12)
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In Feb. 2010, Kentucky coach John Calipari tweeted out a behind-the-scenes look at a team photo shoot unaware of the "KENTCUKY" mishap. Apparently, so was John Wall. (credit:Twitpic by John Calipari)
Justin Duchscherer - Baltimore Orioles (09 of12)
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The Orioles forgot a "C" when Justin Duchscherer joined them for Spring Training. Honestly, can you blame them for this one though? (credit:US Presswire)
Richard Hamilton - Detroit Pistons(10 of12)
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In March 2008, Hamilton received an extra letter on his back. (credit:AP)
Joe Carter - Toronto Blue Jays(11 of12)
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On July 14, 1994 Carter wore this mix-up for several innings during a game against Texas. (credit:Getty)
Ryan Zimmerman - Washington Nationals(12 of12)
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Washington Nationals' Ryan Zimmerman and Adam Dunn both wore jerseys spelled "Natinals" on April 17, 2009 against the Florida Marlins in Washington. (credit:AP)