Make Your Selfies Mindful Instead Of Mindless

Make Your Selfies Mindful Instead Of Mindless

It happens at concerts, on vacation and, apparently, at funerals. Even President Obama has been caught in the act. The selfie has reached total ubiquity in the age of social media, but is the act of taking your own photo a complete display of narcissism or a way to stay in the moment?

We don't have to decide, writer John Dickerson argued in a Slate essay called "Note To Selfie." Dickerson joined HuffPost Live for a panel discussion about the psychology behind the selfie and explained why it can be a great habit:

"You can be boring and tedious with the new medium, or you can be more thoughtful about what's happening. The fact that you choose to capture a moment either with a selfie or to tweet about it does not necessarily have to be purely an act of narcissism. There can be a way of engaging in a moment that's a little more meaningful. And if that's the way it starts out, it's there for you and available to you in a way that allows you to live richly in that moment long after the moment has passed."

See the full debate about the merit of selfies at HuffPost Live here:

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